Cemu 安卓

Cemu - Wii U Emulator

Software to emulate Wii U games and applications on PC

Cemu 2.0 is now available
Full announcement on reddit

System requirements

Windows 7 (x64) or above
OpenGL 4.5 or Vulkan 1.1
RAM: 4 GB minimum, 8 GB or more recommended
Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 X64 Redistributable: vc_redist.x64.exe

Graphics card compatibility

NVIDIA GPU: Runs as expected on most recent driver.
AMD GPU: Runs as expected on most recent driver. Avoid OpenGL due to bad performance
Intel GPU: Limited support. Vulkan is recommended

Controller input

Currently the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller is emulated. Wiimotes are emulated as well (including native support). Keyboard input + USB controllers as input devices are supported. GamePad touch input can be controlled via left mouse click. Gyro functionality is emulated with limitations and can be controlled via right mouse button.

Posted by7 months ago


So, I play games with Cemu about year, but I want to play them on my tablet too. I found some links with Cemu apk, but I'm not sure about them. So, is it true that Cemu has android version ?

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level 1

No, there is no Android version of Cemu.

Cemu requires a Windows or Linux PC with an x86 processor. Any version that claims to run on other devices is 100% a fake.

only download Cemu from the official website: cemu.info

level 1

Nope, there isn't. Not very likely to get a port soon either, mobile phones just lack the power and GPU driver features required. The .apks you'll find will only be malware.

level 2

But they are switch emolaters for mobile, which more powerful then the wii so?

//www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pp1B8S7yxI ► Cemuhook 下载地址 //sshnuke.net/cemuhook/ ► MotionSource App 下载地址 //files.sshnuke.net/net.sshnuke.dsu.MotionSource-1.1.2.apk ► Padtest 程序下载地址 //files.sshnuke.net/PadTest_1011.zip



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WiimotesҲ�����棨��������֧�֣���֧�ּ�������+ USB��������Ϊ�����豸��



2022-01-18 13:47:09 来源: cnBeta.COM  举报

尽管在向后兼容和仿真方面,任天堂总是有意无意地落后于其它平台。庆幸的是,即使是 Wii U 这样的失败系统,仍有不少忠实的粉丝在让它焕发新生。最新消息是,知名 CEMU 模拟器团队,刚刚在一篇 Wiki 帖子中详细介绍了他们的未来规划。

除了 H.264 解码的软件回退、升级到更现代的 C++、以及切换到 cmake 等技术改进,CEMU 团队还宣告了另一些重大变化。

其中最让我们感到惊喜的,莫过于该模拟器将于 2022 下半年拥抱开源。团队表示:

正如最初承诺的那样,我们计划发布 CEMU 的源码,并向任何有意贡献的人们开放开发。 虽未敲定确切的预计到达时间,但相关计划将于 2022 年内进行,且有望在我们完成源码重组后到来。

尽管 CEMU 团队已经设法打造了一款稳定且让人印象深刻的产品,但开源开始意味着社区能够集思广益,从而更快地加速 CEMU 的未来发展。

更加激动人心的,还是 CEMU 走向移动设备的可能性。此前由于该模拟器基于 x86 / 64 架构,因而难以直接移植到 ARM 移动设备上运行。

不过随着代码开源,感兴趣的开发者将能够从理论上为 CEMU 构建 Android 客户端。此外得益于硬件的飞速发展,移动设备的性能已经远超早年的家用游戏机。

至于路线图的其它部分,比如 Linux 支持状态,还请移步至 CEMU 官网查看。


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

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