第 一 作者 英文


RT��һ��רҵ��ı��﷽����л�ˣ�... RT



��һ���ߵ�Ӣ�ģ�First author

author ���� Ӣ ['ɔː��ə(r)] �� �� �� ['ɔː��ər] �� ��

n. ���ң�����

vt. ��д������


1��The book is authored by six leading historians.

2��He authored two best-sellers.


1��criticize an author ����ij������

2��honour an author ����ij������

3��interview an author �ɷ�ij������

4��like an author ϲ��ij������



1��author����˼�ǡ����ߡ�,רָ������ѧ��Ʒ��������; ��ָ��������; ��֮��Ե���������Ϊauthoress,���˴����Ѻ���ʹ��; ����������߻���,��ɡ����ˡ��⡣


3����Ȼ��������ϰ����the author�������Լ���I/me�����������������÷���


1��classic author �ŵ�����

2��contemporary author ��������

3��famous author ��������

4��gifted author �������

5��noted author ֪������

2017-05-25 �� TA���2589����






  1. �����е�'��һ����"��Ӣ�����Ϊ��First author��

  2. �����е�'��һ����"��Ҫ���ڴ�������Ʒ��������ġ�ר���ȵ������У������Ĺ��������˵���������ǰ����Ϊ��һ���ߡ�

  3. ���䣺�ҹ����е�һ���߷���������������Investigation and analysis on research papers published by "parallel first authors" in China 

  4. ���е�һ���ߣ��ֳơ���ͬ��һ���ߡ�ָ���������Ĵ��������У����˹�����ͬ���߽����޷��б���£����������ͬ���ף����е�һ���ߡ�

�Ƽ���2016-12-02 �� TA��ó���1826����






just "the first author"

������Ҫǿ�� ��the first and primary author��






  • first author
  • senior author

  • "第一"英文翻译    first; primary; foremost; fi ...
  • "作者"英文翻译    author; writer
  • "第一作者单位"英文翻译    first author affiliation
  • "第一作者拉波德"英文翻译    christian rabaud
  • "部分数据带有英文文摘和第一作者单位"英文翻译    first author affiliation
  • "一作"英文翻译    issaku
  • "一作用"英文翻译    on off action
  • "作者"英文翻译    author; writer 作者不详 by an anonymous author; authorship unknown
  • "单一作物种"英文翻译    monoculture
  • "单一作物栽培"英文翻译    single cropping
  • "单一作物指数"英文翻译    single crop index
  • "统一作法法典"英文翻译    upc uniform practice code
  • "统一作业计画"英文翻译    unified work program
  • "种植同一作物"英文翻译    growing the same crop
  • "第一"英文翻译    first; primary; foremost; first and foremost 第一号种子选手 no. 1 seeded player; 天下第一 the best in the world; 该领域学者中名列第一的人 the first among the scholars in this field; 一个两门功课都获得第一的优等生 a very fine student who took a double first; 获得第一名 win first place; get a first; win a championship; 他在班上名列第一。 he stands first in his class.; 第一夫人 the first lady (国家元首夫人); 第一副本 first authentic copy; duplicate; 第一家庭 the first family (国家元首一家); 第一宇宙速度 first cosmic velocity (物体具有每秒7.9公里的速度时, 就和地心引力平衡, 又叫环绕速度); 第一主犯 principal in the first degree
  • "单一作物的种植园"英文翻译    single-croplantations
  • "操作者"英文翻译    handlers; jockey; manipulator; operator; other manufacturing - aluminum packaging material production worker; other manufacturing - light bulb production worker; runner
  • "创作者"英文翻译    framer; originator
  • "动作者"英文翻译    actor
  • "耕作者"英文翻译    cultivator; planter; tiller
  • "工作者"英文翻译    worker 科技工作者 scientific and technological worker; 教育工作者 educational worker; 美术工作者 art worker; artist; 文艺工作者 literary and art workers; writers and artists; 新闻工作者 journalist; 音乐工作者 musician; 政治工作者 political workers
  • "合作者"英文翻译    buddy; coagent; collaborator; cooperador el; cooperator; copartner; el cooperador; helpmate; helpmeet; partner
  • "剧作者"英文翻译    librettist
  • "协作者"英文翻译    co actor; coactorr; facilitator
  • "原作者"英文翻译    attribution; originator; vanhorn


  • He has been extensively published in professional core periodical
  • John hunt , the primary author , led the work effort developing the paper
    John hunt是第一作者,他领导了本文的开发工作。
  • He has edited and published 13 academic monographs , 150 pieces of thesis as the first author
  • Statistics analysis of the first authors and their institutions in chinese journal of ophthalmology from 2002 to
  • Nimodipine and nitrendipine inhibit n - type calcium channels in dibutyryl camp - differentiated nueroblastomaxglioma hybrid ng108 - 15 cells
  • She as first or corresponding author has published more 30 - research articles in the pear review international journals
  • Excellent teacher of china 1989 research fields : cellular signal transduction ; antitumor and antiplatelet drugs
  • He has published over 10 papers as the first author in international journals , and is applying for an invention patent
  • He became the first in academic history to have published 6 first - authored research papers in the new england journal of medicine
  • " tongxinluo is one of the most successful traditional chinese medicines on the market in china , " said lead author wu taixiang
    第一作者吴泰翔(音译)说: “通心络是目前中国市场最成功的中医药品之一。 ”
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3



"作者改名"英文,   "流行歌曲作者"英文,   "笑料作者"英文,   "作者目录"英文,   "社论作者"英文,   "笑剧作者"英文,   "隐含作者"英文,   "无名作者"英文,   "口号作者"英文,   "第一组数据系列"英文,   "第一组项目"英文,   "第一组宇航员"英文,   "第一最近邻原子"英文,   "第一左主动脉弓"英文,   "第一作者单位"英文,   "第一作者拉波德"英文,   "第一坐标轴"英文,   "第一座城堡"英文,   


