便條 紙 英文


便利貼的英文可以稱作 Sticky note,Sticky ( 有黏性的 ) 是個關鍵字眼,如果少了它只剩下 Note,就只有筆記或便條紙 ( 背面無黏膠 ) 的意思。有時候,也有人會使用 Post it 或 Post it note 來稱呼便利貼,Post it 一詞源自於一間非常有名的便利貼製作公司的品牌名稱 ”Post-it”,因為廣為人知,所以就直接使用該名稱來當作便利貼的英文了。

想知道更多詳情?歡迎來電 02-2749-3188、來信 或私訊粉專




音标:[ biàntiáozhǐ ]  发音:  



  • note paper
  • notepaper
  • writing paper

  • "便条"英文翻译    note
  • "纸"英文翻译    paper
  • "便条纸内存"英文翻译    scratch pad memory
  • "信纸;便条纸。"英文翻译    notepaper
  • "可再贴自粘便条纸"英文翻译    removable self-stick notes
  • "便条"英文翻译    (informal) note
  • "封条纸"英文翻译    carton(parcel) sealing paper
  • "条纸法"英文翻译    paper strip method
  • "便条, 短笺"英文翻译    notepaper
  • "便条本"英文翻译    note pad; scribbingblock
  • "便条簿"英文翻译    jotter; note-pad
  • "附便条"英文翻译    accompanying advice note
  • "新便条"英文翻译    new note
  • "点心用条纸"英文翻译    pie tape
  • "条纸记录器"英文翻译    strip chart recorder
  • "条纸色谱"英文翻译    paper strip chromatography
  • "长条纸记录器"英文翻译    strip chart recorder
  • "便条;便笺;备忘录"英文翻译    memo
  • "单据便条"英文翻译    chit
  • "两张便条"英文翻译    two notes
  • "留下便条"英文翻译    drop someone a line
  • "膳宿;方便条件"英文翻译    accommodation
  • "收款便条"英文翻译    receipt slip
  • "通知便条"英文翻译    notice note
  • "一张便条"英文翻译    a note


  • Zina : somebody left another green post - it note
  • Each student should have a pencil and pad
  • The phone number is on the company notepaper
  • That s twice i forgot to take slips from the library counter
  • Dave : can i use my green pad again to write you admiring notes
  • How about those post - it notes that get stuck just about everywhere these days
  • Scratch pad memory
  • Free memo pad
  • Zina : hey , dave . look at this another green note . someone must have left it while i was in la
    吉娜:嘿,戴夫。你看这个- -又一张绿色便条纸。一定是有人趁我去洛城的时候放的。
  • Application : magazine , book , flyer , notebook , stationary paper , envelope , notepad , coated base paper , ncr base paper
    用途:杂志,书籍,广告传单,记事本,信纸,信封,便条纸,涂布原纸, ncr原纸
  • 更多例句:  1  2



便条纸()是麦金塔操作系统上的应用程式,可以当成便利贴(Post-it note)使用。可记录备忘录或其它的剪贴资料。



"便条"英文,   "附便条"英文,   "单据便条"英文,   "留下便条"英文,   "便条簿"英文,   "收款便条"英文,   "赠礼便条"英文,   "便条本"英文,   "通知便条"英文,   "便条, 短笺"英文,   "便条;便笺;备忘录"英文,   "便条和留言条"英文,   "便条纸内存"英文,   "便通"英文,   "便桶"英文,   "便桶厕"英文,   "便桶间"英文,   



便條紙濾鏡Note Paper ; Note Paper filter

便條紙內存Scratch Pad Memory

便條紙座Memo Spa


掛繩筆連便條紙Sticky Note Pen With Lanyard

可再貼自粘便條紙Removable Self-Stick Notes

貼自粘便條紙Removable Self-Stick Notes


  • 她將它拆開,拿出一張與第一封信一樣大小的便條紙

    she tore it open and fished out a note the same size as the first one.

  • 據悉,當時酒店裝修時,僅黃金就用了40噸,其豪華程度令人嘆為觀止。酒店內部觸目皆「金」,不要說家具,連門把、廁所的水管,甚至是一張便條紙,都「爬」滿黃金。

    it is learned that the hotel was renovated, only used 40 tons of gold on, not to mention the furniture, even the door, or even a note of paper, are 「climbing」 full of gold.

  • 吉娜: 有人留了另一張綠色便條紙.

    zina: somebody left another green post - it note.

  • 是提高很多。 把你的目標寫在一張便條紙上,再貼在你浴室里的鏡子上,這樣,你每天早上第一眼就能看到它們。

    so what you should do is write down on a piece of paper a few goals for yourself, and one of them should be, 「get my xyz business going, 」 and you should tape your goals to the bathroom mirror.

  • 如果你的圣誕賀卡名單擴展了干便條紙那就是你可以期待一個卓有成效的晚年。

    if your christmas card list extends beyond a dried out post-it note, then it’s likely you can look forward to a fruitful old age.

  • 每個學生都應有一支鉛筆和一本便條紙簿。

    write to me, even if it's just a note.

  • 上周我聽說有個四年級的學生因為在同學的屁股后面貼了一張「請踢我」的便條紙而被停學了。

    last week brought the story of a fourth grader who was suspended from school for having placed a 「kick me please」 post-it on the backside of a classmate.

  • 在一天里她可能還會在便條紙、廁、她的外科工作服寫東西,并且如果沒有什么東西在手邊的話,她會寫在自己的皮膚上。

    during the day she may also write on scrap paper, toilet paper, her surgical scrubs, and if nothing else is handy, on her own skin.

  • 吉娜: 有人留了另一張綠色便條紙

    zina: somebody left another green post-it note.

  • 4保留下文件和你收到的書面信件,使用背面作為快速筆記薄或便條紙

    4keep documents and paper mail you receive and use the back side as quick note pads or scratch paper.

  • 電話號碼在公司的便條紙上.

    the phone number be on the company notepaper.

  • 每個學生都應有一枝鉛筆和一本便條紙簿。

    each student should have a pencil and pad.

  • 戴夫:我還能再用我的綠色便條紙,寫愛慕的話語給你嗎?

    dave: can i use my green pad again to write you admiring notes?

  • 我總是在電話旁放一疊便條紙

    i always keep a pad of paper by the phone.

  • 用途:雜志,書籍,廣告傳單,記事本,信,信封,便條紙,涂布原,ncr原

    application: magazine, book, flyer, notebook, stationary paper, envelope, notepad, coated base paper, ncr base paper.

  • 用途: 雜志, 書籍, 廣告傳單, 記事本, 信紙, 信封, 便條紙, 涂布原,ncr原.

    application: magazine, book, flyer, notebook, stationary paper, envelope, notepad , coated base paper, ncr base paper.

  • 吉娜:嘿,戴夫。你看這個--又一張綠色便條紙。一定是有人趁我去洛城的時候放的。

    zina: hey, dave. look at this another green note. someone must have left it while i was in la.

  • 我建議,將下面的一段話寫在便條紙或者卡片上,并把它貼在浴室水池附近的鏡子上。

    i recommend, writing the following on a post it note, or card and putting it on the mirror near your bathroom sink.

  • 傳條,便條紙:一小片,尤指一份小表格、文件或收據。

    a small piece of paper, especially a small form, document, or receipt.

  • 我過去習慣在長條、窄條、小片和丟到抽屜里的便條紙上作筆記。

    i used to take notes on long sheets, narrow sheet, little sheets and pieces of paper thrown in a drawer.

  • 我們甚至會有「便條電腦」,就向我們現在的便條紙一般。

    we may even have 「scrap computers」 the way we have scrap paper now.

  • 設定時限,盡量相出各種點子,每個點子一張便條紙

    set a time limit and come up with as many ideas as you can, one per sticky note.

  • 過去我們在廚房里將日常購物清單寫在便條紙上。

    our daily shopping list was written on scrap paper in the kitchen.

  • 棕櫚灘郵報報導,掛在這尊1.2米高雕像的是一張便條紙

    hanging from the1.2 meter statue was a note, reported the palm beach post.

  • 每個學生都應有一支鉛筆和一本便條紙簿。

    each student should have a pencil and pad.


