Revenue expenditure意思


Capital expenditure is the money spent by the government on the development of machinery, equipment, building, health facilities, education, etc. It also includes the expenditure incurred on acquiring fixed assets like land and investment by the government that gives profits or dividend in future.

revenue expenditure收益性支出/营运开支


Revenue expenditures are short-term expenses used in the current period or typically within one year. Revenue expenditures include the expenses required to meet the ongoing operational costs of running a business, and thus are essentially the same as operating expenses (OPEX).



Capital expenditure comprises additions to leasehold land and land use rights, investment properties, properties under development, and other properties, plant and equipment, including additions resulting from acquisitions through business combinations.


In reply, the Administration advised that if a Hong Kong company paid for the right to use an IPR which it did not own, the revenue expenditure could enjoy tax deduction as provided under the existing Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap.112) ("IRO"), but the capital expenditure was not eligible for tax deduction, both under the existing IRO and under the Bill.

政府当局回答时表示,如某香港公司支付费用,以获得其并无拥有的知识产权的使用权,根据现行《税务条例》(第 112章 ),当中的收益性支出可获扣税,但根据现行《税务条例》及条例草案,当中的资本支出则不能获得扣

All of the Company’s issued and outstanding Ordinary Shares and all the Company’s underlying outstanding options are subject to (i) a right of first refusal in favor of the Company upon any proposed transfer (other than transfers for estate planning purposes); and (ii) a lock-up or market standoff agreement of not less than 180 days following the Company’s initial public offering pursuant to a registration statement filed with the SEC under the Securities Act.

用"revenue expenditure"造句"revenue expenditure"怎么读"revenue expenditure" in a sentence



  • (收益性支出):仅在本期内产生效用的支出或为固定资产的正常维护和修理而发生的支出。
  • 收入支出,所入支出
  • 收益支出;营业支出
  • 营业支出, 收益支出
  • 营业支出(业入支出)


  • New revenue expenditure measures in the 2004 budget
  • New revenue expenditure measures in the 2003 budget
  • Receipts , movement of the account and revenue expenditure analysis
  • Distinguishment between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure
  • Article 20 a clear distinction shall be reasonably drawn between revenue expenditures and capital expenditures
  • Expenditure shall be regarded as revenue expenditure where the benefit to the enterprise is only related to the current fiscal year ; and as capital expenditure where the benefils to the enterprise last for several fiscal years
用"revenue expenditure"造句  

跳到主要內容 ::::::

  1. 限制欄位查詢: 可在左方的下拉選項,選擇要查詢的欄位,並輸入檢索詞後,再按下搜尋按鈕即可。
    1. 中英文名詞:預設選項,系統僅查詢這兩個欄位的資料,檢索結果筆數少,較容易精確找到所需資料。
    2. 全文檢索:查詢所有的欄位,檢索結果比數多,較容易找到與檢索詞相關聯的資料。
    3. 作者:查詢作者姓名的欄位,但因為大多數學術名詞、雙語詞彙無作者欄位,故找到的多為辭書資料。
  2. 萬用字元查詢:。
    1. 「?」:匹配任何單一的字元,如:搜尋c?ll,可找到call、cell、cull等資料。
    2. 「*」:匹配0個或者多個字元,如:搜尋comp*ter,可找到computer、compressometer、composite filter、compressed pulse radar altimeter等資料,亦即以comp開頭、ter結尾的單字詞或多字詞的資料。
    3. 進階查詢中,選擇精確檢索,則不進行萬用字元判斷。
    4. 在進行wildcard搜尋的時候最好避免在檢索詞的開頭使用*或者?,這會降低搜尋效能。

  1. 布林邏輯:若想查詢一個以上的條件時,可以利用布林邏輯條件來縮小或擴大查詢範圍,以布林邏輯運算元 AND / OR / NOT 進行檢索詞彙的組合檢索。
    1. 「AND」縮小查詢範圍:查詢結果為前後兩組條件之「交集」。例如:查詢A AND B,查詢結果必須包含A及B的資料。
    2. 「OR」 擴大查詢範圍,查詢結果為兩組條件之「聯集」。例如:查詢A OR B,查詢結果只要是包含A或B其中一個條件的資料皆會被找出來。
    3. 「NOT」排除查詢範圍 ,「NOT」之後的查詢詞會在查詢結果中被排除。例如:查詢A NOT B,查詢結果會排除「A AND B」及僅有B的部份,只篩選出包含A的資料。
  2. 模糊檢索、精確檢索說明。
    1. 模糊檢索:名詞內容中的部分字串與輸入的檢索字詞相同就會被檢索出來,且完全符合的字串會排在最上方,如:查找computer,則computer、computer mockup、electric computer均會被找出,而computer字詞會排在最上方。
    2. 精確檢索:名詞需與輸入的檢索字詞一模一樣(英文字不分大小寫,大小寫不同時,亦視為相同字詞)才會被檢索出來,如:查找computer,則computer、Computer、COMPUTER才會被找出。
  3. 萬用字元查詢:。
    1. 「?」:匹配任何單一的字元,如:搜尋c?ll,可找到call、cell、cull等資料。
    2. 「*」:匹配0個或者多個字元,如:搜尋comp*ter,可找到computer、compressometer、composite filter、compressed pulse radar altimeter等資料,亦即以comp開頭、ter結尾的單字詞或多字詞的資料。
    3. 進階查詢中,選擇精確檢索,則不進行萬用字元判斷。
    4. 在進行wildcard搜尋的時候最好避免在檢索詞的開頭使用*或者?,這會降低搜尋效能。

Capital expenditure是什么意思?

資本支出(Capital expenditureCapEx)在會計學上是指為了獲得固定資產,或為了延長固定資產耐用年限而流出的費用。 在会计记账时,资本支出并不是在支出的当年全部计入费用,而是按照折旧的方式计入每一年的费用。

Revenue expenditure是什么?

收益性支出又称收益支出。 “资本性支出”的对称。 指企业单位在经营过程中发生、其效益仅与本会计年度相关、因而由本年收益补偿的各项支出。


