國王 的 新 衣 英文

The Emperor’s New Clothes English Version from World of Tales

The emperor’s new clothes

Fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

Many years ago there was an emperor who was so fond of new clothes that he spent all his money on them. He did not give himself any concern about his army; he cared nothing about the theater or for driving about in the woods, except for the sake of showing himself off in new clothes. He had a costume for every hour in the day, and just as they say of a king or emperor, “He is in his council chamber,” they said of him, “The emperor is in his dressing room.”

Life was merry and gay in the town where the emperor lived, and numbers of strangers came to it every day. Among them there came one day two rascals, who gave themselves out as weavers and said that they knew how to weave the most exquisite stuff imaginable. Not only were the colors and patterns uncommonly beautiful, but the clothes that were made of the stuff had the peculiar property of becoming invisible to every person who was unfit for the office he held or who was exceptionally stupid.

“Those must be valuable clothes,” thought the emperor. “By wearing them I should be able to discover which of the men in my empire are not fit for their posts. I should distinguish wise men from fools. Yes, I must order some of the stuff to be woven for me directly.” And he paid the swindlers a handsome sum of money in advance, as they required.

As for them, they put up two looms and pretended to be weaving, though there was nothing whatever on their shuttles. They called for a quantity of the finest silks and of the purest gold thread, all of which went into their own bags, while they worked at their empty looms till late into the night.

“I should like to know how those weavers are getting on with the stuff,” thought the emperor. But he felt a little queer when he reflected that those who were stupid or unfit for their office would not be able to see the material. He believed, indeed, that he had nothing to fear for himself, but still he thought it better to send some one else first, to see how the work was coming on. All the people in the town had heard of the peculiar property of the stuff, and every one was curious to see how stupid his neighbor might be.

“I will send my faithful old prime minister to the weavers,” thought the emperor. “He will be best capable of judging of this stuff, for he is a man of sense and nobody is more fit for his office than he.”

So the worthy old minister went into the room where the two swindlers sat working the empty looms. “Heaven save us!” thought the old man, opening his eyes wide. “Why, I can’t see anything at all!” But he took care not to say so aloud.

Both the rogues begged him to step a little nearer and asked him if he did not think the patterns very pretty and the coloring fine. They pointed to the empty loom as they did so, and the poor old minister kept staring as hard as he could—but without being able to see anything on it, for of course there was nothing there to see.

“Heaven save us!” thought the old man. “Is it possible that I am a fool? I have never thought it, and nobody must know it. Is it true that I am not fit for my office? It will never do for me to say that I cannot see the stuffs.”

“Well, sir, do you say nothing about the cloth?” asked the one who was pretending to go on with his work.

“Oh, it is most elegant, most beautiful!” said the dazed old man, as he peered again through his spectacles. “What a fine pattern, and what fine colors! I will certainly tell the emperor how pleased I am with the stuff.”

“We are glad of that,” said both the weavers; and then they named the colors and pointed out the special features of the pattern. To all of this the minister paid great attention, so that he might be able to repeat it to the emperor when he went back to him.

And now the cheats called for more money, more silk, and more gold thread, to be able to proceed with the weaving, but they put it all into their own pockets, and not a thread went into the stuff, though they went on as before, weaving at the empty looms.

After a little time the emperor sent another honest statesman to see how the weaving was progressing, and if the stuff would soon be ready. The same thing happened with him as with the minister. He gazed and gazed, but as there was nothing but empty looms, he could see nothing else.

“Is not this an exquisite piece of stuff?” asked the weavers, pointing to one of the looms and explaining the beautiful pattern and the colors which were not there to be seen.

“I am not stupid, I know I am not!” thought the man, “so it must be that I am not fit for my good office. It is very strange, but I must not let it be noticed.” So he praised the cloth he did not see and assured the weavers of his delight in the lovely colors and the exquisite pattern. “It is perfectly charming,” he reported to the emperor.

Everybody in the town was talking of the splendid cloth. The emperor thought he should like to see it himself while it was still on the loom. With a company of carefully selected men, among whom were the two worthy officials who had been there before, he went to visit the crafty impostors, who were working as hard as ever at the empty looms.

“Is it not magnificent?” said both the honest statesmen. “See, your Majesty, what splendid colors, and what a pattern!” And they pointed to the looms, for they believed that others, no doubt, could see what they did not.

“What!” thought the emperor. “I see nothing at all. This is terrible! Am I a fool? Am I not fit to be emperor? Why nothing more dreadful could happen to me!”

“Oh, it is very pretty! it has my highest approval,” the emperor said aloud. He nodded with satisfaction as he gazed at the empty looms, for he would not betray that he could see nothing.

His whole suite gazed and gazed, each seeing no more than the others; but, like the emperor, they all exclaimed, “Oh, it is beautiful!” They even suggested to the emperor that he wear the splendid new clothes for the first time on the occasion of a great procession which was soon to take place.

“Splendid! Gorgeous! Magnificent!” went from mouth to mouth. All were equally delighted with the weavers’ workmanship. The emperor gave each of the impostors an order of knighthood to be worn in their buttonholes, and the title Gentleman Weaver of the Imperial Court.

Before the day on which the procession was to take place, the weavers sat up the whole night, burning sixteen candles, so that people might see how anxious they were to get the emperor’s new clothes ready. They pretended to take the stuff from the loom, they cut it out in the air with huge scissors, and they stitched away with needles which had no thread in them. At last they said, “Now the clothes are finished.”

The emperor came to them himself with his grandest courtiers, and each of the rogues lifted his arm as if he held something, saying, “See! here are the trousers! here is the coat! here is the cloak,” and so on. “It is as light as a spider’s web. One would almost feel as if one had nothing on, but that is the beauty of it!”

“Yes,” said all the courtiers, but they saw nothing, for there was nothing to see.

“Will your Majesty be graciously pleased to take off your clothes so that we may put on the new clothes here, before the great mirror?”

The emperor took off his clothes, and the rogues pretended to put on first one garment and then another of the new ones they had pretended to make. They pretended to fasten something round his waist and to tie on something. This they said was the train, and the emperor turned round and round before the mirror.

“How well his Majesty looks in the new clothes! How becoming they are!” cried all the courtiers in turn. “That is a splendid costume!”

“The canopy that is to be carried over your Majesty in the procession is waiting outside,” said the master of ceremonies.

“Well, I am ready,” replied the emperor. “Don’t the clothes look well?” and he turned round and round again before the mirror, to appear as if he were admiring his new costume.

The chamberlains, who were to carry the train, stooped and put their hands near the floor as if they were lifting it; then they pretended to be holding something in the air. They would not let it be noticed that they could see and feel nothing.

So the emperor went along in the procession, under the splendid canopy, and every one in the streets said: “How beautiful the emperor’s new clothes are! What a splendid train! And how well they fit!”

No one wanted to let it appear that he could see nothing, for that would prove him not fit for his post. None of the emperor’s clothes had been so great a success before.

“But he has nothing on!” said a little child.

“Just listen to the innocent,” said its father; and one person whispered to another what the child had said. “He has nothing on; a child says he has nothing on!”

“But he has nothing on,” cried all the people. The emperor was startled by this, for he had a suspicion that they were right. But he thought, “I must face this out to the end and go on with the procession.” So he held himself more stiffly than ever, and the chamberlains held up the train that was not there at all.

国王的新衣--中英文版 from 中国英语网

Long ago and far away, there lived an Emperor. This Emperor was very vain and could think about nothing but his clothes. He had wardrobes and cupboards full of clothes. They filled his spare bedrooms and upstairs corridors of the palace.
The courtiers were worried that the wardrobes would begin to appear downstairs and in their chambers.
The Emperor spent hours every morning getting dressed. He had to choose his outfit, preferable a new one, and the shoes and wig to go with it. Mid-morning, he invariably changed into something more formal for his short meetings with his councillors and advisors. He would change again for lunch, and then again for a rest in the afternoon. He just had to change for dinner and them again for the evening!

He kept all the weavers, tailors, cobblers and silk merchants of the city very busy and very happy! News of the Emperor spread to distant kingdoms and finally came to the ears of two very shady characters.“Could we?” they asked themselves. “Could we fool the Emperor who loves new clothes?” “Let’s try,” they decided.They left their homes and traveled to the Emperor’s city. there they saw the many shops selling clothes, shoes and fabrics. For, if the Emperor dressed finely, so too did his couriers. The two travelers went to the palace along with many other tradesmen hoping to sell their wares to the Emperor. They asked to meet the Emperor. “We have something very special to show him,” they told the Chamberlain. “That’s what everyone says,” said the Chamberlain. “Ah, but his is magical,” said one, “We have invented a new cloth by using a very special and secret method.”The Chamberlain felt that it was his duty to bring new items to the Emperor’s attention and he went to tell him. “Something magical?” said the Emperor, who was changing for lunch and admiring himself in the mirror. “Oh, I love new things, Show the two weavers in.”The two weavers were shown in, and began to describe their cloth to the Emperor. “It is gold, silver and rainbow colored, all at the same time,” said one. “It shimmers.” “It feels like silk, but is as warm as wool,” said the second. “It is as light as air,” said the first. “A most wonderful fabric.”The Emperor was enchanted. He must have an outfit from this new cloth. “There is a grand parade in the city in two weeks time,” he said. “I need a new outfit for it. Can one be ready in time?” “Oh yes, your Majesty,” said the weavers. “But there is a problem. The cloth is very expensive to make.” “No matter,” said the Emperor, waving his hand. “Money is no object. I must have an outfit. Just see the Chamberlain and he’ll sort it out. Make it here in the palace.”The Chamberlain showed the two weavers to a large airy room and they set to work. They asked for a loom, and a sack of gold to start buying materials. The Chamberlain followed the Emperor’s orders and they were denied nothing. The weavers worked away behind closed doors. The loom could be heard clattering away. Every now and then a courtier would stand and listen at the door. News of the magic cloth had spread.Finally, the Emperor could stand it no more. “Chamberlain, go to the weavers and see how the cloth is processing. The parade is only a week way.” The Chamberlain knocked at the door and waited. “Enter!” said the weavers. They had been expecting someone soon! “The Emperor has sent me to check on the progress of the cloth,” said the Chamberlain, staring at the empty loom. “Is it not beautiful?” said one of the weavers, holding out nothing to the Chamberlain. “See the lustre, feel the softness!” “Um,” said the Chamberlain, not quite sure what to say. “Oh wise Chamberlain,” said the other weaver.“Now you can see why it is magical. Only the truly clever and brilliant can see the cloth. Most people would see an empty loom, but a clever man like you will see our wonderful cloth.” “Of course,” said the Chamberlain, not wanting to look stupid. “It really is quite marvelous. Those colors, that shimmer of the gold and silver threads. Marvelous.” “Oh, you are so wise,” said the weavers.The Emperor was very impatient and couldn’t wait for the Chamberlain to return. After ten minutes of pacing up and down, he went to the weavers’ room, followed by half of his court. He threw the doors open, and saw the empty loom. “Why!” he cried in a surprised voice. “Your Majesty,” said the Chamberlain quickly. ” A wise man such as yourself can surely see the colors and sheen of this magical cloth.” “Of course I can,” said the Emperor, wondering why he could not. “It’s beautiful. Simply enchanting. When can my outfit be made? Send for the royal tailors!” “Your Majesty,” said the two weavers. “We would be delighted to make your outfit for you. There is no need to trouble your hard-working tailor. It is such a difficult fabric to cut and sew. We will make the suit.” “Very well,” said the Emperor. “First fitting tomorrow.”The courtiers had followed the Emperor, and they now came into the room. Of course, they could see nothing on the loom for there was nothing to see. “Is it not beautiful?” said one of the weavers. “Of course, only the wise and very clever can see the beauty of the cloth. Look at the colors, feel the weight.” The courtiers queued up to look at the colors and feel the weight, and each went away exclaiming over the marvelous cloth which was indeed as light as air. But each courtier secretly wondered if they were really stupid, as they had seen nothing at all. The two weavers then set to work as tailors. They muttered and discussed at the Emperor’s fittings, stitching here, cutting there until at last the suit was made.The following day was the day of the parade. “Am I not the handsomest of men in my marvellous suit?” said the Emperor to the Chamberlain, as he showed off his new outfit. “Just look at the tiny stitches and the lacework. Truly marvelous.” “Undoubtedly, sir,” said the Chamberlain. “There is no outfit on earth to equal this one.”The Emperor was dressed in his new suit and ready for the parade. News of his amazing outfit had reached the people of the town and all wanted to see him. There were people crowded along the sides of the streets.The parade began!People gasped. “What a suit!” they cried. “What suit?” asked a small boy, who had not heard of the magical cloth. “The Emperor has no clothes on at all!” “It’s true! No clothes! The Emperor is naked!” the people cried. And the Emperor was very ashamed. He had been so vain, and now he had been made to look a fool. As for the two tailors — they were in fact thieves, and had long since left the town with their bags of gold. Probably laughing all the way! But the Emperor is a wiser man now, and spends a lot more time with his advisors and far less with his tailors.

I. Translation for Reference (参考译文)



















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