语言天才 国家

科比是一位语言天才,他可以用多种国家的语言 进行交流。

科比曾经 在接受采访时被问道,“你在场上,是通过什么方式 来发泄自己的不良情绪”

科比说“篮球 是一项充满激情的运动,你必须学会表达自己”

“值得庆幸的是,我会说多种国家的语言,所以对手,总是听不懂 我在说什么”

科比的语言天赋,让他在篮球场上 可谓是如鱼得水。他曾在比赛中,大大方方的与大加索尔用西班牙语交流战术,这让对手,完全不知所措…



不仅如此 科比还会用法语,对托尼帕克说垃圾话



Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

语言天才 国家



2022-11-11 20:44:10

语言天才 国家



2022-11-11 11:09:05

语言天才 国家



2022-11-11 18:58:29

语言天才 国家

你相信吗?今年的双十一 一定是近十年来最惨的一年


2022-11-11 15:06:51

语言天才 国家



2022-11-11 07:30:00

语言天才 国家



2022-11-10 18:44:06

语言天才 国家



2022-11-11 19:53:11

语言天才 国家


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语言天才 国家

����Michael McBride has had a busy day for a three-year-old.3������˶�����˲����¶ȹ���æµ��һ�졣

����He started with breakfast of toast with orange jam, then he practised some big sums in his head, (��67 minus 14 makes 53!��)�� learnt a new tune on the keyboard he got for Christmas and went off to the library with his granny to find some books on Space, his latest passion�������������˾�ӹ�����Ȼ���������й���һ���Ӵ��������(67-14=53!)������ʥ���ڵõ��ٵ��ټ�ѧ���µ�������Ȼ�������һ����ǰ��ͼ��ݣ�ȥѰ��һЩ����������鼮�����������µİ��á�

����When they came home they read the books together �� Michael helpfully correcting Granny if she mispronounced a word���ؼҵ�ʱ����������һ����顪��������̶����˵��ʣ������æ������

����He has an IQ of 145 (the UK average is 104)�� a reading and writing age of eight and a brain the size of Jupiter�����˶�IQ145(Ӣ����ƽ��IQ��104)��ӵ��8��С���Ķ�д��������������С��ľ��һ����

����Michael has caused something of a stir by appearing in newspapers and on TV in a spoof of the Mastermind programme, doing complicated sums, reeling off his times tables like an old pro and spelling eight-letter words�����˶��ڱ�ֽ���͵��ӽ�Ŀ����ǿ���ԡ������еij��������˺䶯�����������ӵ��㷨����һ������һ��һ���������Լ���ʱ����������ܱ���8����ĸ�ij����ʡ�

����A few months ago, with the help of YouTube videos on an iPad, he taught himself how to count to ten in English, French, Spanish, Russian and Japanese��������ǰ����Ipad��YouTube��Ƶ�İ����£����̻����Լ���Ӣ���������������������1����10��

����While both parents are bright and articulate, they��re not brain boxes like Michael�����˶��ĸ�ĸ�ܴ������ڲ�Ҳ�ã����������˶������и��������ԡ�

����Emma, 39, has nine GCSEs, three A-levels and a degree in English and history but describes herself as ��more of a word person than a numbers person��. Dad Anthony, 33, dropped out of school early and is a chef in an Italian restaurant��ĸ�װ���39�꣬����A�ȼ���һ��Ӣ�����ʷ��ѧλ�����������Լ��ǡ�һ���Ŀ����������������������װ�����33�꣬������ѧ�ˣ�������һ��������͹ݵij�ʦ��

������We��re just ordinary working people. Who knows where he got it from?�� says Emma�������Ǿ���һ��Ĺ�н�尡����֪����(�Ĵ�������)�Ǵ������ģ���ĸ�װ���˵����

����But it was clear from an early stage there was something special about Michael�����Ǻ����ԣ����˶������ӱ��ʮ���ر�

����He was interested in numbers as soon as he could see them, was walking at 11 months (��He never crawled �� he just got up and walked��)�� has always been obsessed with books and, sadly for Emma and Granny, has never needed a nap����һ���������Ͱ��IJ����԰Σ�11���¾ͻ���·��(�������������С����������Ժ��ֱ�ӻ���·�ˣ�)���������������鼮����Ϊĸ�װ�������̸е����ġ�����������Ҫ��˯��

������He requires very little sleep,�� says Emma. ��His brain is constantly whirring. There��s no point in putting him to bed before nine as he��s just not tired out and then the minute he falls asleep his brain starts recharging.�� ������������Ҫ˯�ߣ�������˵�������Ĵ��Բ������˵�ת������9��ǰ����û���������ϴ�����Ϊ�����Dz���ƣ�밡��Ȼ����һ˯�ţ��Դ����ֳ��ϵ��ˡ���


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语言天才 国家



