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《烈马争锋上海滩》是由西安盛典长安院线有限责任公司出品,孙传林执导,吕良伟、童飞、刘倬廷领衔主演,任思齐、余籽璇、李岩、陈作深共同主演的民国传奇动作电影,于2022年4月18日在爱奇艺视频全网独播。 [2-3]  

影片以民国时期声色犬马的大上海为背景,讲述了上海滩大佬金广荣(吕良伟饰),为争夺“七大码头”的控制权,与以内山正彦(任思齐饰)为首的日本商会、码头工人等多种势力之间,纷争不断的“赛马”故事。 [2] 

中文名烈马争锋上海滩其他译名新上海滩·烈马争锋类    型民国、传奇、动作出品公司西安盛典长安院线有限责任公司、北京合力创作影业股份有限公司。 [2] 拍摄日期2020年8月6日(杀青时间)发行公司北京合力创作影业股份有限公司导    演孙传林主    演吕良伟、童飞、刘倬廷上映时间2022年4月18日对白语言普通话色    彩彩色在线播放平台爱奇艺 [2] 


: This film tells the story of when the Chinese Chamber of Commerce established the Jockey Club during the Republic of China, patriot Jin Guangrong (played by Lv Liangwei) signed the "Seven Wharfs" gambling contract with the Japanese Chamber of Commerce in order to protect the control of the wharf. Ma Yunfei (Liu Zhuoting), a hero with superb riding skills, became entangled with Jin Guangrong due to someone's framing, and became a murderer overnight. A gamble, a wave of conspiracies, and a fierce and thrilling horse race have made the already unstable Shanghai bund even more turbulent...


