保留 英文




  • 1.(保存不变) continue to have; persist; retain 保留实力 preserve one's strength; 他还保留着战争年代的革命朝气。 he still retains the revolutionary fervour of the war years. 这座古建筑还保留着当年的面貌。this ancient building still looks as it did originally.2.(暂时留着不处理) hold back; keep back; reserve 保留权利 reserve rights; 持保留意见 have reservations; 无保留地同意 agree unreservedly; agree without reservation; 保留工资 retained salaries; 保留价格 reserve price; reservation price; 保留剧目 repertory; repertoire; 保留权限 reserved authority; 保留所有权 with retained ownership; 保留物 retention


  • I can recommend him without qualification .
  • I'm glad you've kept your enamels !
  • I tell you my sentiments absolutely .
  • You should hold on to your oil shares .
  • He was wary and reserved in his reaction .
  • We accept your statement without reserve .
  • Such a view is now treated with reserve .
  • My assent is given with a hook at the end .
  • There are some people so inept at keeping records .
  • The answer at this time must be a qualified one .


unreservedly /ˌʌnrɪˈzɜ:vɪdli/

adv。 毫无保留地,完全地

It means completely or to do sth。 without hesitating or having any doubts。


He told me the whole thing unreservedly yesterday。


She is a respectable artist who devotes herself unreservedly to the great cause。




As regards whether it is more practically effective for the Government to designate officials to help the


sustained development of the entire financial industries compared to the existing

[...] arrangement, I have certain reservations.

對於委派指定 官 員 協 助 整 個 金 融 業 持續發

[...] 展一點 , 與 現 行安排 比較, 是否更 切 實有效, 本 人則有所保 留 。

[...] at the very beginning I had certain reservations on the idea of the 'monopoly [...]

zone', I now believe it is necessary


to establish an exclusive Transit Service Area (TSA) in order to protect the well-being and nurture the growth of the light rail transit system during its infancy.

雖然我最初對「專利區」的 概念有若干保留的看法,但我現在 相信為 了保障 輕便 鐵路系統的運作初期的利益和助長它的擴展,實有 需要設立㆒個專用的輕便鐵路服務區。

On this Bill, President, please allow me to say that, in my view, the Bill has certain constitutional


or legal foundation, however, at this time,

[...] the community has certain reservations about the need [...]


[...] 法或法律的立場上,條例草案也具有一定的基礎,只是今時今日,香 港社會對所提出的方案的需要性有一 定 保留, 容 許我 稍後才用少許時 間,再就這點提出論述。

It had also withdrawn certain reservations, and had replaced other [...]

reservations with interpretative declarations, concerning


the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

它还撤 销了某些保留意见, 并且用解释性声明替换了关于 《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》的其他保留意见。

Previous comments of ILO (see

[...] A/CN.4/568/Add.1) had already presented certain reservations regarding the [...]

wide definition of term “agent”.

劳工组织先前的意见(见A/CN.4/568/Add.1)已对“代理人”这用语的定义宽 泛提出了一定保留。

[...] some treaties had multiple purposes and objects, and certain reservations or interpretative [...] [...]

relate only to a provision that had been formulated in discretionary or aspirational rather than mandatory language.

此外,一些条 约具有多重目的和目标,某些保留或 解释 性声 明可 能只涉及以自行酌定或期望而不是强制性的语言制 定的规定。

Mr Deputy President, I would like to take the


opportunity to express my regards to all the Hong

[...] Kong people. I have reservations about certain parts of the [...]

副主席先生,本㆟藉此機會向全港市民致意,我對總督施政報告的部份內容 有 所保 留,但精神㆖給予支持,多謝。

However, in the event that the conditional interpretative declaration actually “behaves like” a reservation, the

[...] [...] it meets the conditions for the permissibility of reservations does have a real impact on the content (and even the existence) [...]

但是,如果有条件解释性声明实际上 的“行为好像”一保 留,是否符合保留允许性条件的问题对于条约关系的内容和(甚至存在)并 没有实 际的影响。

[...] all for us to have reservations about a certain matter.

Yet, the EAC and I understand that most of the


Members do support the proposal in

[...] principle and that they only have reservations about certain provisions of the Regulation.

不過,我與 選管會都清楚知道,大多數的議員都原則上支持這項建議,現 持 有保 留 的態 度,只是針對若干規例的條文而已。

As a consequence, if the final clauses of the treaty in question stipulate that the treaty shall enter

[...] [...] deposit of a certain number of instruments of ratification, approval, acceptance or accession, the Secretary-General as depositary will, subject to the considerations in the following paragraph, include in the number of instruments required for entry into force all those that have been accepted for deposit, whether or not they are accompanied by reservations and whether or not those reservations have met with objections.

因此,如果该条约 的最后条款规定:条约应在交存一定数目的批准书、核准书、接受书或加入 书以后生效,秘书长作为保存人将取决于下一段中的考虑因素,在生效所需 的文书数目中列入所有已经接受的文书予以保存的文书数目,而不论这些文 书是否附有保留,也不论这些保留是 否遇 到反对?

However, I have reservations about whether [...]

legislation is the only way to protect these employees or whether it would be effective.

不過 , 至於立法是否 唯 一保障 這些僱 員的方 法, 以及是 否有效的方 法,我 [...]

While the Liberal Party agrees with the general direction that the support for DC members should be increased and that the


functions of DCs should be

[...] enhanced, with regrets, we have reservations about certain specific proposals [...]

in the motion and the amendments today.

不過,自 由 黨 雖然贊 成 增加對 區 議員的支 援 和 增 強 區 議會的職 能這大方 向 ,

[...] 但是, 非常遺 憾 , 今 天 各 項 議 案 和 修 正 案 內 均 有一些具體建議,是我們 有所保 留 的,以 致 未 能 夠全部 支 持。

(28) One should also be aware of the limitations of an endeavour of

[...] [...] however much care is taken to define reservations and to distinguish them from other unilateral statements which have certain elements in common with them, some [...]

degree of uncertainty inevitably remains.

(28) 此外,还应认识到这种声明的局限:无论如何细心界定保留的定义并对 保留 与其 他单方面声明加以区分,但因为这种声明与 保 留具 有 某 些 共同 的因 素,所以这 种区分不可避免地有几分含糊。

Where the treaty prohibits the

[...] formulation of certain reservations, a reservation [...]

which is not prohibited by the treaty


may be formulated by a State or an international organization only if it is not incompatible with the object and purpose of the treaty.

在条约禁止提出某些保留的情 形下,一国或国际组织可提出的不受条约禁止 的保留以不违反条约的目的和宗旨为限。

It is, however, interesting to note with regard to

[...] [...] which considers certain reservations to be “incompatible with the letter and spirit of the Convention”, that the Government of Germany has stated only for [...] [...]

they do not preclude the entry into force of the treaty between Germany and the respective States, without expressly taking a position in the other cases where it objected to a reservation for the same reasons.

不过值得注意的 是,德国的反对认为这些保留“不 符合 公约的文字和精神”,但德国政府表示其中仅有部分 反对不妨碍条约在德国和有关国家之间生效,对以同样原因反对保留的其他情况,则未表明 立场。

The Committee noted from the Audit

[...] [...] sometimes HODs might have reservations about withdrawing or altering certain allowances because [...] [...]

to adversely affect staff morale.

委員會從審計署署長報告書得悉,部門首長有時由於不願打擊 員工士氣,因而對撤銷或 更改某些津貼可能有所保留 。

question 1.8: “Is it possible for a national judicial body to oppose or insist on the

[...] formulation of certain reservations?

问题 1.8:“一国家司法机构能否反对或坚 持 提 出某些保 留?

With the closing down or moving north of these factories today, these women will have a greater chance of being unemployed if they are not given any appropriate retraining. It is because generally they do not have the required skills or confidence in changing to other


occupations; the employers in service

[...] trades may also have some reservations in employing [...]

a large number of workers originally


engaged in manufacturing industry.


[...] 婦女如果未能得到適當的再培訓,很大機會會失業,因為她們自己本身普遍缺乏轉業 所需的技能或信心,而服務業的僱主對大量聘用原先從事製造業的工㆟,亦 可能抱有 保留態度。

One member suggested that it would be

[...] interesting to have internal discussions on carbon credits, while another expressed strong reservations on the paper, [...] [...]

was involved in ozone-related matters, pointing out that addressing chemicals was a complex issue for which four other conventions already existed.

一成员认为,不妨就碳排放额度 进行内 部讨 论,但另一成员对文件有 强 烈 保留,他 不 明白为何全球环境基金涉入与臭氧有关的事务,指出处理化学剂是一个复杂的问题,而 且目前已有其他四项公约处理这项问题。

But if his motive in moving the motion is just to interfere with


some commercial acts between the Government and private

[...] enterprises, I will have reservations with regard to [...]

[...] 石議員所提的動議是我所指的意思,我是會支持這個動議;如果他所提動議的動機, 只是想干預㆒些政府與私㆟機構的商業行為,那我對動議就會 有所 保留。

Although they have reservations on the need for [...]

mandatory mediation service, they recommend that there should be provisions


in the subsidiary legislation for compulsory provision of information on counselling and mediation services.

雖然他們對於提供 強制性調解服務的需要持保留態度, 但卻 建議應在附屬法例內訂定條文,規定有關方 [...]

What is more, sometimes our votes will fail to reflect our holistic views on the motion. After consideration, we think that a more appropriate


and reasonable approach is to state clearly in the

[...] speech that we have reservations about a certain part of the motion.

此外,有時候,投票並不能反映我們對整項議案的看法,經考慮後, 我們認為最正確和比較合理的做法,便是在發言清楚說明我 們對 議 案某 一部份有保留。

[...] “Irrelevance of certain reservations in cases involving a uniting of States”, sets out the exception that must qualify the principle of the maintenance of the predecessor State’s reservations in certain situations that [...] [...]

with the uniting of two or more States.

(1) 准则 5.1.3“国家合并情况下某些保留的无 关性 ”述及在两个或两个以上国 家合并的背景下可能出现的某些情 形中 ,维 持被继承国的 保 留的 原则 必须配备例 外情况,例如在下述情况下:在国家继承之日,对被继承国之一有效的条约对合 并产生的国家继续有效。

While some departmental management respondents support the

[...] proposal, others have reservations and opine that [...]

the existing arrangement which allow


inter-departmental posting could help to broaden the exposure of their staff and facilitate transfer and exchange of human resources management expertise among departments.

另 外,部分亦表示有保留,認為現行 容許 跨部門調職的安排有助員工擴濶 視野,也有助部門之間互相交流人力資源管理方面的經驗和知識。

If you have purchased a restricted ticket, depending on the rules applicable to the fare paid, one or more restrictions including, but not limited to one or more of the following, may apply to your travel: (1) the ticket may not be refundable but can be exchanged for a fee for another restricted fare ticket meeting all the rules/restrictions of the original ticket (including the payment of any difference in fares); (2) a fee may apply for changing/canceling reservations; or (3) travel [...] [...]

to specific flights and/or times and minimum and/or maximum stay may be required.

如果您购买了具有日期 限制的机票,请遵循实际支付票价适用的各项规则,下列一项或多项限制(其中包括,但不限于下列一项或多项限 制)可能适用于您的旅行:(1) 可能无法退票,但可交费兑换满足原始机票的所有规则/限制(包括支付全部票价差额)的其他限价机票;(2 ) 可能需要收取预定变更 /取消费用;或者 (3) 可能限制搭乘特定的航班和/或要求限定时间以及最短和/或最长停留时间。

In the light of treaty practice, he considered that

[...] [...] provisions “allow only certain reservations specified in the text, and prohibit all others; these do not bear on the position of a depositary or the question of States being consulted in regard to reservations, for such questions cannot arise as no reservations at that stage are permissible”.793 It followed that States were not free to “agree upon any terms in the treaty”,794 as he had maintained the previous [...] [...]

indeed reservations that could not be accepted because they were prohibited by the treaty itself.

特别报告员在报告附件 C 中列举了 1930 年《统一汇票和本票法公约》、 1931 年《统一支票法公约》和 1948 年修订 1928 年 12 月 14 日在日内瓦签署的《经济统计国 际公约》的议定书。


