

阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文


同义词 阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文 乌克兰语




the insured or the beneficiary

an insured or a beneficiary

insured or beneficiary


第一百三十一条 投保人、被保险人或者受益人有下列行为之一, 进行保险欺诈活动, 构成犯罪的, 依法追究刑事责任:

Article 131 An applicant, an insured or a beneficiary, who commits insurance fraud by conducting any of the following acts which constitutes a crime, shall be subject to criminal proceedings in accordance with laws



If the insurer deems that the relevant certificates and materials are incomplete according to the contract, it shall notify, in a timely manner and at one time, the insurance applicant, insured or beneficiary of all additional certificates and materials to be provided.


(eight) by cheating insurance company, the insured or the beneficiary by the CIRC China administrative penalty of not more than 5 years

第二十一条 投保人、被保险人或者受益人知道保险事故发生后, 应当及时通知保险人。

Article 21 The applicant, the insured or the beneficiary shall notify the insurer in a timely manner of the occurrence of any insured event once it is known to them.

第二十一条 投保人、被保险人或者受益人知道保险事故发生后,应当及时通知保险人。

Article 21 At the time of being aware of the occurrence of an insurance accident the applicant, the insured or the beneficiary, shall timely notify the insurer.


Apart from paying insurance, an insurer who fails to perform in time the liability provided in the preceding paragraph shall indemnify the insured or the beneficiary for the loss incurred.


to promise the applicants, the insured or the beneficiary to give permits rebates or other interests beyond the stipulations of the insurance contracts.

保险人未及时履行前款规定义务的, 除支付保险金外, 应当赔偿被保险人或者受益人因此受到的损失。

If the insurer fails to fulfill the obligations specified in the preceding paragraph in a timely manner then, in addition to the payment of compensation, the insurer shall compensate the insured or the beneficiary for any damage incurred thereby.


(four) divulge in the management of the insurance company, the insured or the beneficiary of the business and property and personal privacy


三)投保人、被保险人或者受益人编造未曾发生的保险事故,骗取保险金的; (3)

an applicant, an insured or a beneficiary defrauds insurance money by inventing stories of an insured accident that does not occur;?????


Any unit or individual may neither illegally interfere in the liability performed by an insurer of indemnity or payment of insurance, nor restrict the right of an insured or a beneficiary to obtain insurance.


The insurer who considers relevant proofs and materials as incomplete according to the stipulations of the insurance contract shall notify the applicant, the insured or the beneficiary to submit additional relevant proofs and materials.


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