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After he signed the bill into law, Carter issued a statement, saying in part that he was confident that "this act-and the new dollar-will substantially improve our coinage system as well as cutting Government coin production costs."

卡特在签署法案后发表声明,称他对"这项法案 - 和新的一美元硬币 - 大幅提升我们的铸币体系并削减政府生产硬币的成本"充满信心。


A system of coinage in which a unit of currency is pegged to a combination of two or more metals in fixed proportions.


During the early Song dynasty (Chinese: 宋, 960-1279), China again reunited the currency system displacing coinages from ten or so independent states.

宋朝 (960-1279) 早期,中国再次在五代十国的基础上统一了币制。

In 1790, Thomas Jefferson submitted a report to the United States Congress in which he proposed the adoption of a decimal system of coinage and of weights and measures.


The third was American interest in aligning its currency with the Latin Monetary Union and to bring its weights for coinage into the metric system.

第三个因素则是美国希望调整货币体系,满足拉丁货币同盟 的要求,并让硬币的重量向公制 靠拢。

The "shadow banking system" is another PIMCO coinage.


The shadow banking system is another PIMCO coinage.

影子银行系统 是太平洋投资管理公司的又一杜撰。

The major issue of the campaign was whether the country should maintain a monetary system based on the gold standard or allow the coinage of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1, commonly called the free silver position.


Stevin states that the universal introduction of decimal coinage, measures and weights would only be a matter of time (but he probably would be amazed to know that in the 21st century some countries still resist adopting decimal systems).

斯蒂文说,普遍采用十进制的硬币,措施和重量只是一个时间的问题(但他可能会感到惊讶,知道, 在 21世纪一些国家仍然抵制采用十进制系统 ) 。

After gaining its independence in 1947 and becoming a republic in 1950, India's modern Rupee (INR) was changed back to the design of the signature coin. The Indian Rupee was adopted as the country's sole currency, and the use of other domestic coinage was removed from circulation. India adopted a decimalization system in 1957.

印度卢比是印度的货币。 我们的 货币排名 显示最受欢迎的印度卢比汇率是 USD 到 INR 的汇率。 卢比的货币代码是 INR,货币符号是 ₹。 下面,您将看到印度卢比 汇率和货币转换器。 您还可以订阅包含每日汇率和分析的货币时事通讯,阅读捷汇 Currency Blog或通过我们的 捷汇 货币应用和网站获取 INR 汇率。

In addition, the globe's secret gold depositories have already allocated the funds that support the world's new hard currency system; and the mass printing of new bills and the minting of new coinage is also complete.

(此地用的复数,也许指多个银行) 另外,全球秘密黄金储备已经重新分配了支持新的硬货币系统所需的资金,新货币的印刷和新硬币的铸造也已完成。

In his popular monthly Investment Outlook, Mr Gross has coined or promoted many a catchy idea(7), such as the "new normal" (subdued growth in developed countries, caused by deleveraging, reregulation and deglobalisation) and the "ring of fire" (debt-saddled countries on Europe's fringes).The "shadow banking system" is another PIMCO coinage.

在他颇受欢迎的月度投资展望中,格罗斯提出过一些容易记住的理念,比如"新常态"(发达国家由于去杠杆化,重新管制和低全球化增长放缓)和"火圈"(欧洲边缘一些债务缠身的国家). "影子银行系统"是太平洋投资管理公司的又一杜撰。

The firm's top brass are keen to lead public debate, too. Mr El-Erian and Mr Gross make regular appearances in newspapers and on TV. In his popular monthly Investment Outlook, Mr Gross has coined or promoted many a catchy idea, such as the "new normal" (subdued growth in developed countries, caused by deleveraging, reregulation and deglobalisation) and the "ring of fire" (debt-saddled countries on Europe's fringes). The "shadow banking system" is another PIMCO coinage.

公司高层也热衷于公共讨论,Mr El-Erian and Mr Gross都会在电视或报纸上接受例行采访,在Gross广受欢迎的每月投资展望中,Mr Gross开创性的提出并深化了许多简单易记的概念,比如"新常态",指的是发达国家去杠杠化、再监督、去全球化形态却仍旧缓慢经济增长,"火之链"指债务缠身的一圈欧洲边缘国家,另外"影子银行系统"也是PIMCO的发明创造。


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