度 過 難關 英文

Get through 渡过难关
[ 2007-06-12 10:36 ]

"渡过难关"、"解决问题"怎么说?你一定会想到 pass,overcome 或是 succeed 吧,今天我们来学两个口语中常用的、非常简单的词,但是够地道哦!

1. How can we get through this (situation)?

讲到度过某个困难的时刻,或许你的直觉反应是要用 pass 或是 overcome,但是另外还有一个你想不太到的说法:get through 或是 pass through。例如有一次我搭一个老美的车因超速被警察拦下来,他就很紧张地说:"How can we get through this?" (结果最后他还是无助地被警察伯伯开了一张罚单。) 或是当有人遭逢不幸时,你也可以安慰人家说:"No matter what's going to happen, we will get through this hard time together."(不管再来会发生什么事,我们都要一起度过难关。)

注意一下如果你要讲的是你已经遭遇过的事情,则过去式 got through 和完成式 have been through 都可以用。例如期末考好不容易结束了,你可以松口气说:"I'm so glad I got through finals week. (我很高兴终于考完了。) "或是 "I'm so glad I have been through finals week." ,强调"已经"考完了。)

2. We have to work this problem out by tomorrow.

讲到 work out 这个动词片语,它在英文里的用法可是千变万化的。首先,"解决问题",老美除了说 solve 之外,也超爱用 work out,所以解决一个问题你不但可以说 solve a problem,还可以说 work a problem out。不过有时候还要看看上下文的意思,如果我说:"Let's work out some plans for the holiday."这里的 work out 翻成"解决"当然不太恰当,所以你可以把它翻成"做出来"。整句的意思就是"让我们为假期拟定一些计画"。

其实 work out 不单单可以表示"解决"(solve) 或是"做出来"的意思,它还可以代表"成功(succeed)"。例如你写了一个程序,但你不知道能不能成功地执行,你就可以说"I don't know if this program is gonna work out. (我不知道这个程序会不会成功)"。或是男女朋友交往,但你觉得你们俩个人不可能有结果,这句话就是"I don't feel this relationship is gonna work out."

当然啦, 许多人都知道 work out 还可以表示运动 (exercise) ,但通常是指在健身房所做的运动,所以从这里不难看出老美其实很喜欢用一些很简单的词,例如 work out 就可以用来替换比较难的 solve 或是 succeed,这也算是美国口语上的一种趋势吧!

(改编自小笨霖英语笔记本 英语点津 Annabel 编辑)



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同义词 阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文 乌克兰语




get through this

get through it


over the hump

ride it out


difficult times

你知道医生说实际上 它可能会度过难关呢

You know, the vet said there's actually a good chance he might pull through.

她的意思是,如果我们祈祷 我们也许能度过难关

Well, she means if we pray, then maybe we'll get over it, you know,


If she's going to have any chance at all, she'll need more blood.

只希望能平安度过难关 直到找到解药

Just hoping we can ride it out in peace till there's a cure.


Patience and application will carry us through.


No worries, here come some hints to help your way through.

随着 Veritas 强力裁员 ,继续丢失市场份额,可推断他们将进一步采取什么行动度过难关。

As Veritas imposes layoffs and continues to lose market share, one can only speculate what additional steps will have to be taken to right the ship.


I'm sure you have all kinds of things offshore for a rainy day.


结果: 232. 精确: 232. 用时: 16毫秒

度 過 難關 英文



《Let’s talk》講師 Michelle 在 Youtube 上列舉了8種面對問題時的用語,一起來看看吧!

  • 1. Take it in stride. 大步邁進
  • 2. Weather the storm. 渡過難關
  • 3. Come to grips with sth
  • 4. Sail through 順利通過
  • 5. Grit your teeth. 咬緊牙關.下定決心去面對
  • 6. Grin and bear it. 逆來順受
  • 7. Take the rough with the smooth.
  • 8. Come to terms with

1. Take it in stride. 大步邁進

當你面對問題時,不會擔心.感到煩亂,you can say :

Take it in stride. Take it all in your stride.(英式說法)

2. Weather the storm. 渡過難關



ex. The reputation of our country’s president is being maligned by a lot of acquisitions, but he weathered the storm.


3. Come to grips with sth

to start dealing with it 認真面對並著手處理問題

ex. In my city there is a serious problem of waste disposal and I think the government needs to come to grips with it.


4. Sail through 順利通過

go through the problems very easily 面對問題時,能很簡單地應付它

ex. They sail through the interviews. 他們順利通過面試。

5. Grit your teeth. 咬緊牙關.下定決心去面對

to show determination 顯示決心

ex. Grit your teeth and go through it

6. Grin and bear it. 逆來順受

go through happily 愉快地去經歷它


ex. Sometimes you can’t change that person, that easily so you grin and bear it.


7. Take the rough with the smooth.

to accept the positive and negative 好壞一起承受

ex. You should take the rough with the smooth, and go through it with a grin on your face, because not everything comes all good.


8. Come to terms with

to accept 逐漸接受(常指過世的人)

ex. Her son passed away,I know it’s hard but she need to come to terms with it.
