快樂 的 時光 總 是 過 得 特別 快 英文


Time flies when you’re having fun. 開心的時候時間過得特別快。所以中外都說時光飛逝 Time flies. 形容的真好吧。可潔西就是一個會摸,不管開心不開心時間還是都過很快啊!



Time is money. 時間就是金錢。這大家應該都知道。然後玩接龍就會想到 Money talks. 錢會說話?指的就是有錢能使鬼推磨。所以有時間就有錢,有錢說話就可以大聲?潔西歪理最多啊XD 其實常說的是 Money talks. Bullshit walks. 會花言巧語跟有錢一樣可以讓你達成很多目的,真的。

Time and tide wait for no man. 時間跟潮汐不等人,就是歲月不等人,要人把握光陰的意思。

Time is on your side. 時間站在你那邊,就是說你還年輕,還有很多時間,還可以等。

Time heals all wounds. 時間可以治癒所有的傷口。這句話只有一半真,要看什麼樣的傷口啊。

Time works wonders. 時間可以成就奇蹟。指的是時間可以解決很多問題,跟上一句有點像。

Only time will tell. 只有時間才能證明一切。很多時候說再多都沒用,所以就給時間說囉。

There is a time and a place for everything. 每件事都有它的時間跟位置。指的是不同的事適合于不同的場合。潔西挺喜歡這句話的。每個人每件事都有它的用處啊。

It’s feeding time in the zoo. 動物園餵食的時間到了。指的是一群不受控的人聚在一起大吃大喝,你動作慢一點就搶不到時候那種樣子XD

It’s time to run. 該走了。不用用跑的,表示說時間不早了,或還有是需要離開了。

I don’t have time to breathe. 我沒有時間呼吸。最好是有這麼忙,這指的是忙到連呼吸的時間都沒有啊!

“Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.” ― Marthe Troly

“Don’t waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.” ― Paulo Coelho

“Time is an illusion.” ― Albert Einstein
時間是幻覺。 雅伯特 愛因斯坦

“Time is what we want most,but what we use worst.” ― William Penn


很久不見口語就直接說 Long time no see. 好久不見。時間太多沒事做的時候就要 kill time 殺時間,浪費時間就叫做 waste time ,很開心說 have a good time ,說故事要從好久好久前開始說叫做 once upon a time ,來的及叫做 in time ,準時叫 on time ,沒時間了叫 running out of time ,時間到了說 Time is up.

好囉,Time to call it a day. 就到這兒爲止,一般是開會開到這兒,上課上到這兒,下課了,散會了,休息了。恩,潔西瞎掰就到此為止,好多事等著潔西做啊!!!!就像最後這個格言說的:

“There’s never enough time to do all the nothing you want.”― Bill Watterson

潔西最喜歡的瑞士國鐵表,去找瑞士朋友時,啊,就一個大大的瑞士國鐵鐘在國鐵月台上,一定要把握 timing 拍下來啊XD

快樂 的 時光 總 是 過 得 特別 快 英文

快樂 的 時光 總 是 過 得 特別 快 英文

There is a well-known expression in English - "Time flies when you're having fun" - here the frog has changed the expression, as they are having (eating) flies, which for them is fun.

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Time Flies When You're Having fun 快乐的时光总是短暂的

日期:2017-12-31 10:49


Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.
Our movie saying today is "time flies when you're having fun", from the film "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets".
我们今天电影中的短语是time flies when you're having fun,出自电影《星际特工:千星之城》。
Agent Valerian and Laureline are being sent to outer space.
Their job is to save Alpha, a big city and home to life from a thousand planets.
Listen for the expression "time flies when you're having fun".
留意听一下time flies when you're having fun这个表达。
This mission is a simple in and out.
Agent Valerian, you'll be running solo.
I only work with my partner. Hi. We're a team.
You're running nearly twenty minutes late.
Yeah, well, time flies when you're having fun!

快樂 的 時光 總 是 過 得 特別 快 英文

What is the meaning of "time flies when you're having fun"?
time flies when you're having fun是什么意思?
Is it: how fast are we going or times goes by quickly when you are having a good time?
I only work with my partner. Hi. We're a team.
You're running nearly twenty minutes late.
Yeah, well, time flies when you're having fun!
"Time flies when you're having fun" means times passes quickly when you are having a good time.
time flies when you're having fun的含义是指当你玩儿得高兴的时候,时间过得很快。
But in this movie, the actor was saying it in a funny way.
For Valerian, time seemed to be moving quickly not because he was having fun, but because he was running for his life.
