Lego 10261尺寸


美国亚马逊: 4.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星 108 条评论

5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星 Toy Story 4 Mini-coaster is the same design, items can run on the same track.

2019年8月30日 - 已在美国亚马逊上发表

样式: 简约包装已确认购买

Back in the day I was a LEGO fanatic, and would stay up all night building. I was also played a lot of the original Roller Coaster Tycoon. Recently I got back into LEGO’s collecting the Toy Story 4 sets, but they are not challenging, more of a novelty. In fact, they have this one set where you build a small roller coaster (Ages 4 & up). Then I spiraled down a curiosity rabbit hole of the best selling LEGO sets of all time, like the $800 millennium falcon. I stumbled onto the item in question and was fascinated by the product, and slowly began obsessing over it, watching videos on line. The price was steep, but I thought it would be fun to treat myself. I was so excited I expedited the shipping and order the battery pack and motor separately. I came home from college last night at 10pm worked on it until 1am, woke up at 7am and spent the whole day building. By 9pm I had assembled the whole thing, all 10,000 + pieces. Granted there was probably no need for that, but my personality refuses to back down. It was certainly complicated at times, especially towards the end when you’re expected to assemble the chain piece by piece. It took me a while to connect the 200 + little black pieces that create the pulley system for bringing the roller coaster up the first hill. Also the landscape was tedious, as I was anxiously awaiting my first test run. There are so many small details which really enhanced the project. My only suggestion would be to be careful with the stickers, because I accidentally placed them in the wrong direction. Overall, this item was such a pleasure to construct and play with. It really brought me back to my youth and early adolescence. Fun tip, if you have the Toy Story roller coaster, the cars are interchangeable and you can send Woody and the gang for an exciting ride. I’m glad I bought the battery and motor separately, not one to make recommendations but a YouTube video suggested it to me. I did see this was voted ‘Toy of the Year’. I don’t know how official those rankings are but I’d bet money this will be a hot item come Christmas and holiday season.

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5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星 My son loves it!

2020年3月27日 - 已在美国亚马逊上发表


This thing is huge... and expensive... and rated for 16 year-olds. But, when my 5 year old son (at the time) saw it, he decided he had to have it. For the next year, he saved everything he had, every dollar he was gifted and every penny he earned to put toward this set. Since it would have taken him pretty much forever to save this much money, we decided to split the cost with him. We bought the set early (because AMZ and Lego both said it was rare) and surprised him with it when we knew he had enough to cover half. It was awesome in many ways: 1 - it was great to see him so committed to saving for something he really wanted. 2 - it was fun to build this set with him. 3 - it helped teach him the value of money and what it takes to earn it. The set is great! It's complicated, but even my 6-year-old was able to piece together the gear system. The only trouble he had was with all of the pillar assemblies - it was a little tough to slide the Lego onto the posts for him.

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5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星 Hands down the best LEGO set ever made!

2019年7月4日 - 已在美国亚马逊上发表

样式: 简约包装已确认购买

This set is the best. Looking to add customizations to make it stand out even more!

Note: You really want to get the battery box and motor for this.

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5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星 Great building experience!!!

2019年12月6日 - 已在美国亚马逊上发表


Very challenging and enjoyable! There are 2 detailed books that instruct how to build the coaster.the construction required patience and attention to detail. Some of the parts require adhesive as the motor creates some slight vibration which cause some of the blocks to separate. The use of LeGlue was helpful. My grandkids love watching the 2 coasters travel around the tracks. Totally Enjoyable!!

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