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a device for securing a door, gate, lid, drawer, or the like in position when closed, consisting of a bolt or system of bolts propelled and withdrawn by a mechanism operated by a key, dial, etc.

a contrivance for fastening or securing something.

any device or part for stopping temporarily the motion of a mechanism.

an enclosed chamber in a canal, dam, etc., with gates at each end, for raising or lowering vessels from one level to another by admitting or releasing water.

an air lock or decompression chamber.

complete and unchallenged control; an unbreakable hold: The congresswoman has a lock on the senatorial nomination.

Slang. someone or something certain of success; sure thing: He's a lock to win the championship.

Wrestling. any of various holds, especially a hold secured on the arm, leg, or head: leg lock.

Horology. (in an escapement) the overlap between a tooth of an escape wheel and the surface of the pallet locking it.

Metalworking. a projection or recession in the mating face of a forging die.

verb (used with object)

to fasten or secure (a door, window, building, etc.) by the operation of a lock or locks.

to shut in a place fastened by a lock or locks, as for security or restraint.

to make fast or immovable by or as if by a lock: He locked the steering wheel on his car.

to make fast or immovable, as by engaging parts: to lock the wheels of a wagon.

to join or unite firmly by interlinking or intertwining: to lock arms.

to hold fast in an embrace: She was locked in his arms.

to move (a ship) by means of a lock or locks, as in a canal (often followed by through, in, out, down, or up).

to furnish with locks, as a canal.

verb (used without object)

to become locked: This door locks with a key.

to become fastened, fixed, or interlocked: gears that lock into place.

to go or pass by means of a lock or locks, as a vessel.

to construct locks in waterways.

Verb Phrases

lock in,

  1. to commit unalterably: to lock in the nomination of the party's candidates.
  2. (of an investor) to be unable or unwilling to sell or shift securities.

lock off,to enclose (a waterway) with a lock.

lock on,

  1. to track or follow a target or object automatically by radar or other electronic means.
  2. (in a video game) to target and then maintain the focus of the game camera and the player’s weapon on a selected character or item, though the player character and the targeted character may both be in motion.

lock out,

  1. to keep out by or as if by a lock.
  2. to subject (employees) to a lockout.

lock up,

  1. to imprison for a crime.
  2. Printing. to make (type) immovable in a chase by securing the quoins.
  3. to fasten or secure with a lock or locks.
  4. to lock the doors of a house, automobile, etc.
  5. to fasten or fix firmly, as by engaging parts.



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Idioms about lock

    lock horns, to come into conflict; clash: to lock horns with a political opponent.

    lock, stock, and barrel, completely; entirely; including every part, item, or facet, no matter how small or insignificant: We bought the whole business, lock, stock, and barrel.

    under lock and key, securely locked up: The documents were under lock and key.

    lock and load,

    1. to load a gun with ammunition and prepare to fire: At twelve years old, I had to lock and load to protect the herd from cattle rustlers.
    2. to ready oneself for action: Lock and load, gamers! The tournament starts in ten!

Origin of lock


First recorded before 900; Middle English; Old English loc “fastening, bar”; cognate with Middle Low German lok, Old High German loh, Old Norse lok “a cover, lid,” Gothic -luk in usluk “opening”; akin to Old English lūcan “to shut”


lock·less, adjectiveself-lock·ing, adjectivewell-locked, adjective

Words nearby lock

Loch Ness, Loch Ness monster, Loch Raven, lochus, loci, lock, lockable, lockage, lock bay, lockbox, lockdown

Other definitions for lock (2 of 2)


a tress, curl, or ringlet of hair.


  1. the hair of the head.
  2. short wool of inferior quality, as that obtained in small clumps from the legs.

a small tuft or portion of wool, cotton, flax, etc.

Origin of lock


before 900; Middle English locke,Old English locc lock of hair, cognate with Old Norse lokkr,Dutch lok curl, German Locke

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022

bolt, grip, latch, close, engage, join, press, seal, shut, bar, bond, catch, clamp, clasp, clinch, connection, fastening, fixture, grapple, hasp

How to use lock in a sentence

  • On top of that we run what’s called the dynamic paywall, which is a lock on stories regardless of their content category, but based more on your habits on the Daily Beast.

  • These small compounds lock into place with water molecules, like a key in a lock, to prevent ice from forming.

  • There, the chemicals fit like a key into receptors — molecules that are like locks.

  • Ceramic dryers can increase volume and reduce dryness in thin, fine hair, but might leave something to be desired for those with fuller locks.

  • On top of those functions, it’s equipped with a 30-minute keep warm setting, control lock, turbo defrost, and more.

  • While the desk sergeant ran a background check, he was roughed up by another officer in the lock-up.

  • “Now they will definitely lock Navalny in prison,” one of the women in the crowd said.

  • Who knew that a competition where you clutch the hand of another man and lock eyes across a table could be this damn gay.

  • In many ways, she seems a lock for the win, but her atheism puts her entire character in question.

  • Charges were eventually dropped against them, in part because two had lock-solid alibis.

  • The place was used as a lock-up for some time after the incorporation, and the old irons were kept on show for years.

  • I do not know—I do not dare to believe—that I shall live to hear that key grating in the lock.

  • Another manner of punishment consists in making them wear a tin mask, which is fastened with a lock behind.

  • The launch was already under way, and young Cargill trying to avoid it better, thrust with his boat-hook at the side of the lock.

  • He turned into the right number, as he thought, but upon trying to insert the key in the lock he found that he had made a mistake.

British Dictionary definitions for lock (1 of 2)


a device fitted to a gate, door, drawer, lid, etc, to keep it firmly closed and often to prevent access by unauthorized persons

a similar device attached to a machine, vehicle, etc, to prevent use by unauthorized personsa steering lock

  1. a section of a canal or river that may be closed off by gates to control the water level and the raising and lowering of vessels that pass through it
  2. (as modifier)a lock gate

the jamming, fastening, or locking together of parts

Britishthe extent to which a vehicle's front wheels will turn to the right or leftthis car has a good lock

a mechanism that detonates the charge of a gun

US and Canadian informala person or thing that is certain to win or to succeedshe is a lock for the Academy Award

lock, stock, and barrelcompletely; entirely

any wrestling hold in which a wrestler seizes a part of his opponent's body and twists it or otherwise exerts pressure upon it

Also called: lock forward rugbyeither of two players who make up the second line of the scrum and apply weight to the forwards in the front line

a gas bubble in a hydraulic system or a liquid bubble in a pneumatic system that stops or interferes with the fluid flow in a pipe, capillary, etcan air lock


to fasten (a door, gate, etc) or (of a door, etc) to become fastened with a lock, bolt, etc, so as to prevent entry or exit

(tr)to secure (a building) by locking all doors, windows, etc

to fix or become fixed together securely or inextricably

to become or cause to become rigid or immovablethe front wheels of the car locked

(when tr, often passive)to clasp or entangle (someone or each other) in a struggle or embrace

(tr)to furnish (a canal) with locks

(tr)to move (a vessel) through a system of locks

lock horns(esp of two equally matched opponents) to become engaged in argument or battle

lock the stable door after the horse has bolted or lock the stable door after the horse has been stolento take precautions after harm has been done

Derived forms of lock

lockable, adjective

Word Origin for lock

Old English loc; related to Old Norse lok

British Dictionary definitions for lock (2 of 2)


a strand, curl, or cluster of hair

a tuft or wisp of wool, cotton, etc

(plural) mainly literaryhair, esp when curly or fine

Word Origin for lock

Old English loc; related to Old Frisian lok, Old Norse lokkr lock of wool

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with lock

In addition to the idioms beginning with lock

  • lock horns
  • lock in
  • lock out
  • lock the barn door after the horse has bolted
  • lock up

also see:

  • under lock and key

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

What is called lock?

noun. a device for securing a door, gate, lid, drawer, or the like in position when closed, consisting of a bolt or system of bolts propelled and withdrawn by a mechanism operated by a key, dial, etc. a contrivance for fastening or securing something. (in a firearm)

What are the three types of lock?

There are three types of locks: mortise, cylindrical, and rim (stem). Nontraditional types of locks provide a higher level of security: multiple bolts, keyless, pad and electromagnetic locks.

What is the noun for lock?

noun. /lɑk/ 1[countable] a device that keeps a door, window, lid, etc. shut, usually needing a key to open it She turned the key in the lock. It's a good idea to have locks fitted on all your windows.