Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard

一噴有效去汙~開箱MAGIC POWER全效超微米潔淨泡創新慕斯清潔不傷手今天看到優惠只要790喔!真的可以考慮下手~
今天分享的MAGIC POWER全效超微米潔淨泡熱銷推薦,,這些都是TV狂賣熱銷都超想買!電話都被打爆快下單買才享快閃特殺價~所以怎麼能錯過!!快點及這裡!!

Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
也不要忘記分享給好朋友吧 記得點擊精選推推圖片就能參加活動拿折價券好康, 廢話不多說, 來看看是啥這麼好用!
MAGIC POWER全效超微米潔淨泡乾洗配方不傷材質
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
免水洗特殊植物酵素清潔不費力綿密泡沫清潔、去味一瓶搞定創新慕斯清潔不傷手超狂價只有今天! 爆殺結帳790!
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard

Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard

Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard

熱銷TOP5 奧司卡正宗皮秒雷射去斑無瑕驚爆回饋檔 走若飛鴕鳥精濃縮精華液(絕版加碼檔) 0 2020全新升級醇養妍玻尿酸特潤版 0 法國GAD舒衛錠逆流終結者 0 醫療級奈米遠紅外線舒柔保命毯鉑金版 0

Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard


  • ◆容量:450ML±5%

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Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard

Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard

親愛的朋友們...今天宅在家做好防疫工作閒暇之餘來把之前買的東西弄成分享文分享給大家,所以今天要為您開箱的是MAGIC POWER全效超微米潔淨泡
經過網路上搜尋比價後,我為MAGIC POWER全效超微米潔淨泡分析開箱評價評比的結果,參考mobile01開箱評價,發現這個東西的評價及CP值很高喔!!連阿嬤都讚讚,媽媽也讚讚不推都不行,真的好用又實在啊~瘋狂的大推大推啊!(嘿嘿~笑XD)

google網路上的網友都推薦而且很暢銷熱賣,有時還缺貨,所以我也分享給您, 您也可以參考以下MAGIC POWER全效超微米潔淨泡的介紹,
而且MOMO常常舉辦各種大大小小的活動, 拿到折價券還可以省更多!真的是省錢的好幫手。



※有時候 MAGIC POWER全效超微米潔淨泡爆殺結帳790!



有鑑於心臟病為老年倉鼠常見疾病之一,網路上氧氣機租借資訊卻破碎零散,平添鼠奴心理負擔,茲將自身搜尋得來的資訊整理成一篇文章,也希望能藉機為自家小鼠祈個福,讓牠平安快樂走完鼠生🙏 P.S.租借時請記得選擇有「霧化瓶」的氧氣機喔🌼。 另外愛鼠協會並未提供氧氣機、醫療用噴霧器等的租借服務喔(本人已親自電洽詢問過)(ノω<*) ※本文僅是將自身搜尋得來的租借管道整理成篇,不保證租借體驗一定優良,也歡迎大家提供更多租借管道和經驗喔(⁎•ᴗ‹。)ノ

Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard



.所在地點:→請洽全省最鄰近門市 .租借方案:一天90,從押金裡扣 .需付押金:6000 .交貨方式:自取自還 .需簽合約:? .資訊來源:網路搜尋所見&本人親自電洽馬偕門市詢問 下圖是DCARD上人族長輩租借氧氣時機的資訊,供作參考:

Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard


.所在地點:於台北、彰化、高雄皆有據點 北部:新北市新店區民權路88-4號3樓 中部:彰化市線東路一段670-1號 .租借方案:? .需付押金:? .交貨方式:新店限自取,彰化不明 .需簽合約:? .聯絡方式:北部:02-86671923;中部:04-7610288 北部:0982542682;中部:0982266529 .資訊來源:鼠衝搜尋所見,據說是某鼠專科給的租借管道


.所在地點:於台北、高雄設有據點 北部:新北市新店區建國路293巷1號 南部:高雄市左營區榮總路99號 .租借方案: ①自取自還周租方案 :5公升機種短時間租借方案服務 ②自取自還月租方案 :5公升機種門市自取月租優惠方案 ③專人到府收送月租方案:5公升機種專人到府收送方案

.需付押金:? .交貨方式:自取自還或到府收送 .需簽合約:? .聯絡方式:北部:0800-236-777、陳業務:0963613472 南部:07-3463413 Line ID:@sri6870u .資訊來源:網路搜尋

.蝦皮搜尋「寵物 氧氣機」

.所在地點:新北永和、新北新莊、臺中潭子、高雄苓雅等 .租借方案:每間不同,請自尋聊聊詢問 .需付押金:每間不同,請自尋聊聊詢問 .交貨方式:每間不同,請自尋聊聊詢問 .需簽合約:每間不同,請自尋聊聊詢問 .聯絡方式:蝦皮聊聊 .備註:不只一間,本站僅提供租借管道,建議自尋聊聊詢問


.慵懶的紳士品格 吳小姐

.所在地點:新北汐止 .租借方案:①日租未滿30天,80元/天 ②日租滿30天後即轉為月租金,2000元/月 .需付押金:需要,2000-4000元不等(之後實際租金多退少補) .交貨方式:限自取自還,不寄送(面交地點:汐止福德一路) .需簽合約:需要,一式兩份 .聯絡方式:需要時可至粉專「慵懶的紳士品格 」詢問


.所在地點:桃園龜山 .租借方案&交貨方式: ①pet o2 輕便型 日租50元上限至1500元,視同月租。 附全新氧氣管及加濕瓶。 約5.7公斤可寄送(限黑貓運費自付)。

②大台二用型,氧氣純度超高+霧化器功能 可分接二個寶貝同時使用 日租80元上限至2000元,視同月租。 附全新氧氣管及加濕瓶。 限開車自取,重約20公斤。

③KJR-11MW製氧機+霧化器 輕便型 日租50元上限至1500元,視同月租。 附全新氧氣管及加濕瓶。 約7公斤可寄送(限黑貓運費自付) .需付押金:皆為2000元 .需簽合約:? .聯絡方式:粉專私訊

.晨禾氧氣機租 羅先生

.所在地點:新北中和 .租借方案:2500元/月,第二個月續租2300 .需付押金:不需要 .交貨方式:可免費送到府或約捷運站取貨 .需簽合約:需要,一式兩份 .聯絡方式:02-2941-0818/行動:0955-537-216、0916-216-070 .租借心得:可以在當天或隔天挑一個方便的時間送到府,幫妳安裝完後現場教學實在太方便(*>ω<)b,很適合忙碌或趕時間的人。缺點是只有月租的選項,且一個月要收2500稍貴,但因為快速送到府又不收運費和押金,可做為緊急或第一個月的選項。P.S.對方人滿好的(*´▽`*)°☆


.所在地點:? .租借方案:? .需付押金:? .交貨方式:? .需簽合約:? .聯絡方式:手機0928-236-037 .資訊來源:鼠衝搜尋所見,據說是某鼠專科給的租借管道



.所在地點:高雄大社 .租借方案:80/日,單月最高2000 .需付押金:不需要 .交貨方式:限自取、宅配,不外送 .需簽合約:需要,一式兩份 .聯絡方式:粉專私訊(line : miamiawu)

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20211225 台北 らあめん花月嵐

今天中午來桂林路家樂福用午餐,好久沒有來這邊活動,以往早上小孩游完泳,沐沐一家回來這用餐,疫情後在微開放時期,大多在阿嬤家吃午餐,今天因為要剪頭髮,再次來這邊吃飯。 這邊由於重新改裝,很多店都更新了,我們這次選擇らあめん花月嵐吃午餐,其實也超過好幾次,這次是一個兒童餐、一個鐵板的醬油炒飯與一個期間限定的拉麵,依序是小沐沐、大沐沐跟沐媽想吃的東西,沐爸則跟沐媽共吃一碗,因為小孩會剩食,另外有一個家一個套餐的部分。 這次小沐沐幾乎吃完兒童餐,大沐沐因為先吃了一個水煎包,也吃了一半的炒飯,我跟沐媽也吃完了拉麵,維持以往要完食的狀態。 #沐沐一家#らあめん花月嵐#兒童餐沐沐一家網站:

Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard

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Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard

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Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard

#沐月精緻小火鍋 在林口兩百多元的小火鍋 環境還算明亮乾淨 #免服務費 不過餐點我就覺得還好了 #taiwan #鍋の季節 #food #foodie #vsco #vscofood #sashimi #かいせんどん #salmon #tuna#hotpot #hotpot🍲 #hotpothotpot #鍋ぞう #鍋ヶ滝 #鍋敷き #鍋焼きうどん #鍋ダイエット #鍋料理 #鍋つかみ #鍋が美味しい季節 モツ鍋 #タジン鍋#likeforlikes #like4likes#likeforlikeback#小火鍋 #小火鍋🍲#林口美食 (在 沐月精緻小火鍋)

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Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard

[Hanfu · 漢服]Chinese Tang Dynasty Traditional Clothing Hanfu Photoshoots — 【月夕遐思】

The girl had a dream on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

In her dream, she traveled from morning to night to find the moon, but the moon was very naughty and kept playing hide and seek with the girl.



💄Makeup: @Jiao_姣姣

👗Hanfu: @丹青荟传统服饰 ​​​

🧚🏻‍♀️Model: @改名妞妞妞

✨ Worb: @莲沐初光



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tears of themis masterlist

summer breeze - fluffy fuzzy time part 1 | 2nd year anniversary - ??? | permanent cards/misc

by @kaizokucujoh ! this post is always updating - if reblogging, check original ! here i’ve compiled my screencaps for all the tears of themis event cards and illustrations from the summer breeze event to fluffy fuzzy time. ❥ if you find any mistakes, whether that be dead links or incorrect names, message me immediately or send in an ask ❥ screencaps may be updated if i edit a better version ❥ the order is based on the CN server (thank you to this doc) ❥ screencaps are sorted by each event ❥ next to each card link will be links to icon posts i’ve made with that card screencaps start below the cut

! abbreviations for the male leads may be used: XY - xia yan/luke, ZR - zuo ran/artem, MY - mo yi/vyn, LJH - lu jinghe/marius. rosa will be called mc. ! NOTE: when the CN cards are released onto global, the card name may not be updated here (lmk if you want me to change it to its EN name). i will not be updating it on its individual post.   ➜ summer breeze  ⋄ shape of you  ⋄ entwined fate - mc [1] ⋄ cool summer ⋄ twilight beauty - ljh [1] ⋄ invitations | nxx illustration  ➜ mo yi/vyn 1st birthday ⋄ a star in the night (wip) - mc [1] ⋄ birthday invitation   ➜ lost gold ⋄ iridescent heartbeat  ⋄ dreamful melodies  ⋄ heartfelt suspense ⋄ in the darkness ⋄ invitation  ➜ symphony of the night ⋄ between good and evil - mc [1] ⋄ fabulous feast - mc [1], ljh [1] ⋄ how i remember you  ⋄ fixated on you ⋄ invitations  ➜ xia yan/luke 1st birthday  ⋄ warm embrace ⋄ birthday invitation ➜ xmas partyland ⋄ por una cabeza ⋄ all through the night - mc [1] ⋄ a star in the palm ⋄ snow fairy tale ⋄ invitations | nxx illustration  ➜ a love poem to skadi  ⋄ twinkling eyes ⋄ wandering heart ⋄ blazing colours ⋄ daytime aurora ⋄ invitations ➜ love in the air ⋄ companionship ⋄ intentions ⋄ promise ⋄ keepsake - ljh [1] ➜ romantic rail getaway, part 1 & 2 ⋄ peaceful place  ⋄ will of the trees - mc [1] ⋄ sunshine after the rain ⋄ food for thought  ⋄ invitations | nxx illustration  ➜ vyn special consultation ⋄ morning glory  ➜ zuo ran/artem 1st birthday  ⋄ two hearts as one - zr [1] ⋄ birthday invitation  ➜ electrifying night ⋄ through the heavens - mc [1] ⋄ neon melody ⋄ vibrant graffiti - mc [1] ⋄ winning ball - zr [1], mc [1] ⋄ invitations | nxx illustration

➜ lu jinghe/marius 1st birthday ⋄ crown of glory - mc [1], ljh - [1] ⋄ birthday invitation ➜ artem special consultation ⋄ stretching ➜ 1st year anniversary/blissful fete ⋄ under the milky way ⋄ eternal yearning ⋄ committed ⋄ expression through art   ⋄ nxx illustration [one] [two] ➜ flower code  ⋄ entrusted feelings ⋄ unwilling to part - mc [1] ⋄ focused gaze ⋄ palpitations - ljh [1]

➜ luke special consultation ⋄ shining warmth ➜ luke solo ssr 1 ⋄ looming nightmare ⋄ xy sweet chapter 1 illustration  ➜ mo yi/vyn 2nd birthday ⋄ 昔年之缚  ➜ secrets of the tomb ⋄ overflowing thoughts - mc [1] ⋄ echoes ablaze ⋄ flickering moonlight ⋄ dimly lit - mc [1] ⋄ unusual love - zr [1] ⋄ invitation  ➜ bewitching night rave ⋄ 囚月 (XY) ⋄ 拟心 (ZR) ⋄ 溯夜 (MY) ⋄ 妄罪 (LJH) ➜ revisiting youth ⋄ 新晴 (ZR) - mc [1] ⋄ 朝华惜时 (LJH) ⋄ 纸间情眷 (XY) ⋄ 絮语无终 (MY) ⋄ invitations | nxx illustration ➜ marius special consulation ⋄ 初露 ➜ xia yan/luke 2nd birthday ⋄ 暗漪 - mc [1] ➜ marius solo ssr 1 ⋄ 潮生情动 (tideborne romance) ⋄ ljh sweet chapter 1 illustration ➜ snowfallen secrets ⋄ 瑰色余温 (XY) - mc [1] ⋄ 弦光掠影 (MY) ⋄ 浮情燃夜 (ZR) ⋄ 爱之浆果 (LJH) - mc [1] ➜ flying snow falling in the mortal world ⋄ 戏影入梦 (XY) ⋄ 野有蔓草 (ZR) - mc [1], zr [1] ⋄ 灼华于归 (MY) ⋄ 画堂春 (LJH) - mc [1] ⋄ 镌痕 (LJH top up) - mc [1] ⋄ invitation | nxx illustration ➜ butterfly kisses ⋄ 挚切 (XY) ⋄ 慕望 (ZR) ⋄ 勿忘 (MY) ⋄ 诚愫 (LJH) - ljh [1] ➜ artem solo ssr 1 ⋄ 好愿成双 (paired blessings) ⋄ zr sweet chapter 1 illustration - mc [1] ➜ dreams of childhood  ⋄ 执愿 (XY) ⋄ 沁甜绮想 (LJH) ⋄ 沐游聆心 (ZR) ⋄ 缠情如缚 (MY) ⋄ invitations ➜ vyn solo ssr 1 ⋄ 欲愈 (wish to heal) - mc [1] ⋄ my sweet chapter 1 illustration  ➜ artem special consultation 2 ⋄ 整装待发 ➜ cozy couple’s getaway, part 1 & 2 ⋄ 晖染萦沙 (MY) ⋄ 星愿心澜 (LJH) ⋄ 繁荫浮岁 (XY) ⋄ 愿者缱钩 (ZR) ⋄ invitations ➜ zuo ran/artem 2nd birthday  ⋄ 日夜相生 - zr [1] ➜ marius solo ssr 2 ⋄ 情难自匿 (unconcealable) ⋄ ljh sweet chapter 2 illustration ➜ the men from nxx ⋄ 晴絮 (XY) ⋄ 皎然 (ZR) ⋄ 旖梦 (MY) ⋄ 徘徊 (LJH) ➜ vyn solo ssr 2 ⋄ 浮华沉宵 (gilded gloaming) - mc [1] ⋄ my sweet chapter 2 illustration - mc [1] ➜ lu jinghe/marius 2nd birthday  ⋄ 炽盛不息 - mc [1] ➜ fluffy fuzzy time, part 1 ⋄ 泡影抚痕 (MY) ⋄ 犬梦留晞 (XY) - mc [1] ➜ marius special consultation 2 ⋄ 心环 you’ve reached the end of part 1! for the cards after this, check out part 2.

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Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard

Dear XXX,










“又是自然醒。阳光已经照射在窗外的树上。/ 感觉休息充分,精力饱满,通体舒适,幸福、性福感充溢。”






我真心认为你所说的 “我好喜欢看给你改过的文;那么多笨拙的句子,啰唆的陈述给你编辑之后变得简洁、通畅、流畅、流动起来,活起来”,这些话实在是言过其实了。我真没你说的那么神奇,那么厉害。




你的文字当然还有各种各样的不足或词不达意,但瑕不掩瑜。要说文字有各种各样的不足或词不达意,连世界一流高手的文字都难免有这样的问题。所以,苏轼才会说,“所可知者,常行于所当行,常止于不可不止。” 苏轼的话语措辞很严谨,他在这里所说的 “常” 的意思显然是 “大部分时候”,其言外之意当然就是有时候他行文也不能那么完全得心应手,意到笔随。





关于你日记中间的那通长信,你确实是猜错了。我读得津津有味,感觉你给你的old flame���老情人)的回信充满戏剧性,一点也不觉得枯燥乏味。


我不认为你 “教训” 他有什么不好,不妥,或不对。既然不想再跟他重归旧好了,这样有理有节地拒斥他也没什么毛病。我想,你发出的信号足够清楚,尽管你的信的结尾是开放的,说是他提到的一些重要话题你还没来得及说。但我猜想他应当足够知趣,今后大概不会再给你写信要你说了。这正是你求之不得的不是嘛?













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Flying Gulls Never Land Audio Drama || Theme Song, "Flying Gulls Never Land"

作曲:凯瑟喵@凯瑟喵  作词:景她@景她w  演唱:周锐@周锐Zee  制作人:凯瑟喵 编曲:李咏恩 吉他:李咏恩/黄正安 鼓组:许沐恩 贝斯:罗晧宇 剪辑:陈逸宏 录音室:荒原录音室 制作协力:刘子衡@恒星制造所 混音/母带:圣雨轻纱@沙栩帆-圣雨轻纱  视觉设计:[email protected] 策划:景她@景她w / 夏初临@夏初临sA 监制:闫���夫 / 清舆@清舆 企划:三糙文化@三米造事务所 出品:周家磊、闫卡夫 发行:纳吉音 Negia Entertainment

飞鸥不下 梦见 遥远 梦见 黄昏死亡 我想 像落水的月亮 漫过 呼吸 漫过 滚烫时光 你是黑夜海洋 淹没眼眶 huh~ 隐秘的破碎的过往 都沉溺于你目光 心快停了 还在靠近你的方向 快停下 飞鸟就要冲破胸膛 快停下爱 听 心快停了 世界在说谎 说停下吧 你的身旁 太多风浪 让我留在你身旁 受那些伤 坠落时 我们腐朽 也化作风的诗行 去永远里呼求 神的回响 但在失去前没失去 无望前都渴望 我们别停下 在世界变苦前先吻 心快停了 还在靠近你的方向 快停下 飞鸟就要冲破胸膛 快停下爱 听 心快停了 世界在说谎 说停下吧 你的身旁 太多风浪 让我留在你身旁 还没停下 还在靠近你的方向 没停下 直到飞鸟挣出翅膀 没停下爱 心 还没停下 世界说谎 说你的身旁 不止风浪 时间漫长 让我留在你身旁 继续漫长 hu~我像落水的月亮 hu~我停在你身旁 hu~我停在你身旁 黑夜停止漫长









策划:景她@景她w / 夏初临@夏初临sA

监制:闫卡夫 / 清舆@清舆



发行:纳吉音 Negia Entertainment

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Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard
Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard

Emperor Qianlong’s consorts in Legend of Ruyi and their eventual posthumous titles: consorts from Han Banners

Wei Yanwan 魏嬿婉, Empress Xiaoyichun 孝仪纯皇后

Gao Xiyue 高晞月, Imperial Noble Consort Huixian 慧��皇贵妃

Su Luyun 苏绿筠, Imperial Noble Consort Chunhui 纯惠皇贵妃

Lu Muping 陆沐萍, Imperial Noble Consort Qinggong 庆恭皇贵妃

Chen Wanyin 陈婉茵, Noble Consort Wan 婉贵妃

Huang Qiying 黄琦莹, Concubine Yi 仪嫔

Bai Ruiji 白蕊姬, Concubine Mei 玫嫔

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優秀小说 《劍仙在此》- 第五百三十五章 是谁背叛我们? 斷織之誡 摘豔薰香 展示-p3

优美小说 劍仙在此 亂世狂刀- 第五百三十五章 是谁背叛我们? 守節不回 油頭滑腦 展示-p3

Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard

小說-劍仙在此-剑仙在此 第五百三十五章 是谁背叛我们? 古竹老梢惹碧雲 胡天胡地 劍雪著名用麟八代不同凡響板眼,殯葬了一條訊病逝。 自,除去,���每天還有一項任重而道遠的事情要做。 這一次偷營都低勝利。 在友善完全重大起牀有言在先,務須看人眉睫於一度頂呱呱殘害諧調的是河邊。 一步蓮華這幾天用來特派寥落的笑點,視爲這隻小魚狗了。 而這個存,務是委愉快贊助他,也決不會對他的工夫和招心存希圖,還會浪費所有出口值來牟取【安氏佰草經】的人。 塘裡。 直徑約一毫微米的暴洪塘,與一條小渠道不輟。 他然而發過誓,要將【安氏佰草經】恢弘。 本人這麼的拍賣師,設像是以前同一,不顯山不露吧,大略會度日的比極富,但那並過錯我的追求是。 五海……五塘之主一步蓮華在自拍。 安慕希首肯,道:“夫名有目共賞。” 麟八代的了不起林視爲這一界無以復加產業革命的神器零碎,一步蓮華攢了數生平的家底,買來此實物,目的就特少於和簡樸了—— 幸這種藥草,都是一年兩熟的習以爲常草藥,林北辰找了種籽子,種在壤中點,其後乾脆欺騙‘木屬性’的【催熟】技能,在兩個時間中,就催熟落了洪量的藥材。 藥名波不會兒往年。 回首多年來,爲了替林北極星平事,她幕後地匿到池邊的岩漿裡,等到恁女神經病每日沁日曬的時辰發動偷襲,想要將其制住,脅制其通告神諭,緩解掉下界的海族,下場卻被這仙姑經一掌打車她吐血的糗事,劍雪著名就恨得牙瘙癢。 被困在這雪水中,能夠背離太久,好像坐監等效的安家立業,實打實是太無趣太寂然了。 霍格沃茨里的近战巫师 小说 藥名事變高效以前。 劍雪名不見經傳立刻喜。 一堆不濟的叢雜如此而已,出冷門認可在林北辰何換來織補神格的【重樓】神草,即使是又搭上了一枚通界符,確乎是划算到了極。 一堆無效的叢雜漢典,想得到名特優新在林北辰何方換來修葺神格的【重樓】神草,儘管是又搭上了一枚通界符,着實是合算到了終端。 多練一再,等到手熟了,以前催熟神草上漲率更初三些。 也打過一些次的架。 “唉,變禿了……” 虧這種中草藥,都是一年兩熟的通常藥草,林北極星找了點種子,種在土體裡,繼而間接以‘木通性’的【催熟】能力,在兩個時刻裡邊,就催熟獲取了汪洋的草藥。 故她現將自我卸裝的看上去癲狂誘人少許,發或多或少再拍到頻段中去,河鮮的發賣進度,就會更快一些。 在只爭朝夕地選調【大清丸】的與此同時,他也啓動揣摩一度問號—— 憶起近年來,以替林北極星平事,她冷地隱身到塘邊的粉芡裡,等到異常神女經病每天進去曬太陽的時間提倡掩襲,想要將其制住,脅迫其宣告神諭,殲滅掉上界的海族,到底卻被這仙姑經一掌打的她嘔血的糗事,劍雪默默無聞就恨得牙刺癢。 林北辰翻來覆去製作突發性,讓安慕希是最談得來規範水準自命不凡的野藥市井,徹絕對底地心服了。 一堆杯水車薪的雜草資料,驟起得天獨厚在林北極星哪兒換來修神格的【重樓】神草,哪怕是又搭上了一枚通界符,真的是事半功倍到了終端。 劍雪無名想聯想着,神又喜氣洋洋了開班。 即一個有眷族的池子仙姑,五海之主一步蓮華深感神生當真是艱辛,與此同時孤獨如雪啊。 阻擋易啊。 這一次偷襲都一無一路順風。 五海……五塘之主一步蓮華着自拍。 調配【大清丸藥】的另一個四味普通草藥,要終止缺少了。 由來已久過眼煙雲相遇如此好玩的務了啊。 劍雪榜上無名用麒麟八代出口不凡壇,發送了一條音訊既往。 這一次,不過兩顆【重樓】神果啊。 在日以繼夜地調配【大清藥丸】的同期,他也着手酌量一下題—— 因爲【安氏佰草經】的重,遠超整人都的想像。 劍雪名不見經傳看着友愛濯濯的莊園,心髓陣悲嘆:“不明晰甚時分,才氣又輩出來。” “林少,偶然攖,但……是不是換一期名字會比較好星。” 難爲這種中草藥,都是一年兩熟的淺顯草藥,林北辰找了點種子,種在粘土裡頭,爾後輾轉使喚‘木習性’的【催熟】才氣,在兩個時辰之間,就催熟落了大批的藥草。 安慕希首肯,道:“斯名字甚佳。” 藥名風雲很快將來。 己方又重整修還原某些藥力了。 自拍,賣貨,撩騷…… 池沼的一頭是原始林,另一邊則是一大片的旱田。 固劍雪聞名團結一心也是鳩佔鵲巢。 沒悟出根本次練手,卻是用在了這種淺顯叢雜身上。 在大團結徹壯大興起前,必須依靠於一番方可維持協調的存身邊。 “收看得再也蒔植局部野草,以備不時之須了。” 就如她任人擺佈這個神晶苑的工夫,莫明其妙地關閉了一度跨界脫節頻道,爾後不合情理地認知了胸中無數一看就魯魚亥豕怎樣好雜種的臭男神和臭愛人…… 有這樣一個麟八代匪夷所思脈絡,足足就堪和外界少許奇出其不意怪的人或許是事脫節了。 他只是發過誓,要將【安氏佰草經】弘揚。 賣河鮮。 涌浪漣漪豔瀲。 拔劍拔的手都綠了。 經以此溝槽,上傳部分河鮮的音,那些臭夫們爲着勾串夤緣溫馨,就會接連不斷機要單,以旺銷買取河鮮…… 林北辰原本是要將催熟實力,運用到組成部分更是難得的藥草,還是想要從劍雪默默無聞要是匪徒哥那裡,弄到有點兒神草的米,搞搞體現實大世界當心催熟…… 諸如此類的人,忠實是太少太少了。 團結又拔尖修繕回覆某些藥力了。 就準她鼓搗這個神晶眉目的時光,莫明其妙地展了一度跨界掛鉤頻段,後來不可捉摸地清楚了羣一看就偏差怎的好實物的臭男神和臭鬚眉…… 一堆無用的野草便了,意料之外出色在林北極星那處換來修整神格的【重樓】神草,即是又搭上了一枚通界符,真個是划得來到了極。 “總的看得復栽培片叢雜,以備不時之須了。” 同義日子。

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20211204 滿月圓半日遊

週六早上游完泳,下午就來滿月圓走走,來這邊看看風景,今天真的天氣還不錯。大小沐沐都有去看到滿月圓的瀑布。 這邊有展館可以參觀,大小沐沐也走進去裡面看看,主題分別為蝴蝶館、生態館,至於森林館以DIY手作為主。 沐沐一家後來來這邊做杯墊,原則上都要用砂紙磨平,才可以燒印蝴蝶及滿月圓,最後是上油保護木頭,沐沐一家花了一些時間在打磨,先從150-240-400,要磨三張,表面才會滑滑的。燒印很快,不過也讓大小沐沐體驗,最後上油就完成。 這邊在走步道,大小沐沐也很好玩,然後拍人像的風景照。 #沐沐一家#新北市#三峽#滿月圓森林遊樂區沐沐一家網站:

Magic power超微米去油慕斯dcard

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The Fallacy of the Source of Dante's Power


The Fallacy of the Source of Dante's Power




The English translation is still Deepl.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

All comments and discussions are welcome!



Before talking about this beginning, it is necessary to discuss the reasons why Dante fought.

There is a page in 《DEVIL MAY CRY THE SACRED HEART》 where it is described as follows:









In English, please refer to the text on the chart.



We see a similar dialogue between Dante and Urizen in DMC5, and it could be argued that this is the first time Dante has used lines directly inside the game to express his reasons for fighting.





It seems like a completely different line, but the meaning is the same.

What you don't want to lose is inevitably what you want to protect and what you want to save. Likewise, it is precisely because one has experienced loss that one does not want to relive that moment of loss again, and that is why one fights so hard to become stronger.

But that was Dante's reason for fighting, not the source of his power.

At least not the source of his power as he describes it in the DMC1 "True Book of Disintegration".









因此,我将店门口的看板做了一些改动。便利店的新名字是「Devil Never Cry」。还记得之前某人从正门闯入。由于那个时候的骚动,以至于地面上留下了烧焦的痕迹,所以稍微改装一下也并不是什么坏事。





The demons are also heartless.

In short, they cannot understand the meaning of love. In particular, the obscurity of longing for someone else, the urge to protect someone - such complex emotions - are something they do not have as demons.

What they have in their hearts is a brutal desire to trample on the weak, and a deep-seated hatred of all that they see. This is a virtue that is essential for a demon to survive in the demon world. And the more powerful the negative emotions, the more they can become the rulers of that world. That's the way demons deal with the world.

However, I believe that this spiritual construct, which lacks the knowledge of love, is the greatest weakness of demons. The reason why demons, who are physically and intellectually superior to humans, have not been able to take over the earthly world so far is that they despise the great heart that is strong and brave and fights only for justice.

When love for someone explodes in a moment and then turns to anger, the human spirit is capable of unparalleled power. A demon, born without emotion, can only use half of this power, even if it is called the source of magic, no matter how hard he tries.

It was for this reason that, two thousand years ago, the demon emperor Mundus, who had the power of the flood and was on a par with the gods, was defeated by my father, the demon swordsman Sparda. The warmth that filled my father's heart, which only humans possess, eventually accompanied the awakening of justice. It was this same tenderness that gave him the power to guard others besides himself that the demon did not originally have. If the Demon Emperor had understood this, he would have been able to think that he could not defeat Sparda. If the Demon Emperor had been able to understand the heart of justice, he would certainly not have launched an invasion of the human realm. In other words, as long as I and my future descendants exist in this world, the ambitions of Mundus will never be fulfilled.

Hunted by me, the demons all weep.

But those without hearts do not shed tears. The act of shedding tears at the peak of emotion is the privilege of a human being who has a heart that thinks of others. It is also evidence of being human. If this thing sheds tears, then it is no longer a demon.

Therefore, I made some changes to the signboard in front of the shop. The new name of the convenience store is 'Devil Never Cry'. I remember when someone broke in through the front door. There was such a commotion at that time that there were burn marks left on the floor, so a slight modification wasn't a bad thing.

Although the name has been changed, the business that the shop handles remains the same. If anyone is involved in any difficult incidents, remember to call the shop. Don't forget to say the code word when you call.

Other than that, the person who answers the phone may be another human being. I'd be troubled if I forgot what I was entrusted with because of the genki voice on the other end, wouldn't I? This is the new partner in my life that I've managed to find after a long time of thinking only about revenge.

I guess I'll be busy with work tonight too. I'm going to finish this commission in the gentle light of the moon and in the same frame of mind as if I were going out on a date.

See you next time.














[The warmth that filled his father's heart, which only humans possess, eventually awakened with justice. It was this same tenderness that gave him the power to guard others besides himself, which the demon did not have originally. If the demon emperor had understood this, he would have thought that he could not defeat Sparda].

It is clear from this passage that Dante believes that the power of "guarding the other" overrides the power of "guarding oneself", and that, of course, he who cannot protect himself cannot also protect the other. This simple truth no longer requires repetition.

So, it can also be interpreted that Dante believes that Sparta, with its two powers, is stronger than Mundus, with only one, and that Mundus' invasion of the human world is an act of injustice.

In DMC1 there is apparently no such thing as a world divided into two worlds yet, so there is no such thing as, for the moment, something like, per se, someone finds some place to survive over there, is forced to leave because of a war, and after a thousand years the people who were forced to leave come back and demand restoration, and of course the people who have all lived there for a thousand years are a hundred times more reluctant, leading to an inevitable reversal of the bloodshed.

Naturally there was no reversal of the laws of nature in order to keep the humans alive, thus triggering a reversal of identity bringing the pain of the overthrow of the ideal.

After all, successive generations of the demons of the demonic world invaded the human world on this issue, it is clear that there is a law of nature, and it is unavoidable, Sparta no matter how to seal, can not stop, can stop only the very strong that part of it, of course can stop that part of it for the human race has been good can not be better.

The fact that humans will never invade the demonic world is, after all, based on the fact that humans are unaware of its existence and that human flesh is too weak to resist demons. Of course, if we look for the right keywords, perhaps the demons in the demon world will be killed by humans as protected animals.

But this is not the focus of this article, so let's skip it here.

Does Dante reject power? In the DMC3 comic Arkham once asked Dante if he didn't desire the power to avenge his mother. Dante had no answer at the time.

It is certain that Dante wants to protect his mother, so if he is too weak then naturally he can't protect her, so he must become stronger.

So how could he not want it? If he doesn't want it, doesn't that mean he doesn't want the power to protect his mother? Did he want his mother to protect him?

At least why Dante doesn't answer that is not what this article is about, so I'll skip it here.



The word protection has a more or less proactive connotation to it.

To protect in a general sense means to try to take care that one's own (or another person's, or something else's) rights/life are not harmed and need to be protected in it before they are harmed. Where the harm has been irreparable and one can only try to preserve what is left to be able to continue and survive, as in the case of heritage antiquities and animals that are going extinct. It is not that the damage has been done, but that the damage is happening and can be saved or prevented later. Of course what has been completely damaged can no longer be protected. The protection of the life of the Other presupposes that the Other is alive and not dead. And also enjoy a common point in that the life, the continuation of the victim/thing is its first priority, and all other actions need to serve this priority.




These two are not the same in either mindset or starting point. One is more focused on the life/injured, so when a disaster/thing happens his first reaction is that he should go and help those people, and it can be said that such a person's reason is still intact, while the other is overwhelmed by anger and wants to kill the enemy without regard for the people in front of him or for his own life and the lives of others. I should save people, but I should kill the enemy.

They are both angry, but one acts to protect the other, to save the other, the other usually kills the enemy, and if it is a war film, the latter will arrange for his family or parents' family to have been harmed by the enemy, or for her to have been cheated, and he joins not to save, he comes to take revenge or for some other reason.

Going to the rescue versus still striking out are two completely different reactions, and this different reaction is directly related to their innermost thoughts.

在2018年发售的《古墓丽影:暗影(Shadow of the Tomb Raider)》中,主角劳拉·克劳馥在面对因为东西被拿走引发巨大灾难之中,她无视那些被洪水淹没的人并没有打算去挽救他们,而想拼命去追击敌人。



In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, released in 2018, the protagonist Lara Croft, faced with a huge disaster caused by something being taken away from her, ignores those who are flooded and has no intention of saving them, but instead tries to go after the enemy.

Here Laura's heart is filled with hatred and anger towards her enemies, and her emotions and thoughts have no regard for the people who are about to be flooded. One could certainly say that she was running away.

But she doesn't start out exploring the tombs to stop some evil plot, she just wants to solve the mystery of her father's legacy, while her partner is eager to save more people, and it's because the starting point and motivation are not the same that she acts differently, and it also appears in the episode that her partner is very angry with her.

而在《鬼泣 巅峰之战之战》这款手游中但丁与格里芬战斗,可是在最后让其逃脱了,同时导致了城市遭受严重的破坏,城市充斥的大量恶魔,无数居民生命不是已经受到威胁就是在被受到威胁的路上。


Dante fights Griffin in 《DMC Battle at the Top》, but lets him escape at the end, causing serious damage to the city, which is flooded with demons and has countless residents whose lives are either already threatened or on their way to being threatened.

Back at his office, Dante did not consider saving the people still alive in the streets and evacuating them to safety. Instead, like Laura, he was filled with the desire to chase down the enemy and get his things back. Obviously saving the inhabitants of the city was not on his mind at the time. Of course Dante didn't start out running to guard the masses before he went to get the crystal.



当然但丁的性格问题也是需要考虑, 在DMC3漫画赠送角色设定中。


And in DMC4 Dante did a similar act, when Tuverna was uncontrollably about to be invaded by a mass of demons, he too did not choose to evacuate those innocent people first, as did Trixie, to ensure their safety first before going to kill the Pope and the others. And in DMC4 Dante is not acting to save the people of Tuverna, but he is also fighting for the sword of Hades.

In the DMC4 novels he also admits upfront that he doesn't take his job seriously at all either, and is in a holiday-like mood.

Of course the question of Dante's character needs to be considered, too, in the DMC3 manga giveaway characterisation.

[Shaktivism, hedonism at heart, a sense of inferiority to himself who is neither evil nor human. Not much of a lover of himself, treats his own life like a child, is reckless and daring].





Dante's description seems to suggest that he was reckless, so it makes sense that when the village was attacked by demons and there were ordinary people lying on the ground who could still be saved, instead of trying to save those people first, he was so angry that he wanted to kill them with his sword, and because he hated demons himself, both his character and his motivation led him to act in that way.

Of course, this is just a reference to the different starting points or motivations that led to different behaviours and ways of thinking in the first place. It's not that they just don't care about human life at all, but the perspective and motivation and feelings they stand for can influence their actions.

This begins to create a contradiction between his reasons for fighting.

As in DMC5 Dante is discontent and self-deprecating towards his father and revenge.





Here Dante describes the source of his magic as [the unparalleled power of the powerful human spirit when love for someone explodes in a moment and is then transformed into anger].

This begs the question, why does love for someone explode and then turn into anger? Do you explode with love and then become angry at the person you love? Shouldn't you be filled with compassion and love? Then the object of that anger must not be the loved one. Under what circumstances, then, would love for the loved one break out and turn into anger?

If we were to imagine such a scenario, it would be natural to think of a scene in which the person we love is hurt, which would make us angry enough to want to kill the person who hurt them.

But these are the words of Dante in DMC1, and the DMC1 story actually provides the answer to this, as Dante is seen in the overworld animation bursting with love for his "mother", which translates into anger at Mundus, and the line "Mother's revenge ".

而在《Precious Tears》这本书中可以找到一个参考。

A reference to this can be found in the book Precious Tears.





A flash of light came towards the frozen Dante.

But then, Dante's eyes were tinted crimson.

Like a fire burning with passion, like a demon releasing a dark wave.

The flash of light from the Devil Emperor was met with a rebound of different forces in the world, greatly altering the orbit.



And on the next page




Releasing magic from the depths of his mind and body, Dante transforms himself into a demon.

Leaping up from the ground, he flew into the infinite expanse of the dark sky.

In those crimson eyes, only the dark grey figure of the Demon Emperor was reflected.





From the DMC1 scenes and these descriptions, we can see that this is a kind of emotional outburst and catharsis that is transformed into magic, the same description is also described in the DMC2 novels, where the beast's head ability is a transformation of emotions into magic, and Dante, who sees the memories of the past and feels a huge flood of emotions, also regains his magic, this transformation process is the same.

However, this is not a case of protection, but of rage against an enemy because of the loss of the one he is supposed to "protect"/"love", just as in some news stories where parents who have lost their children see their child's murderer and become overwhelmed with rage and They are like parents who have lost a child, who see the murderer of their child and become so furious that they rush over to him.

Are all demons incapable of understanding such feelings? Although it cannot be said that they all do, Mundus at least certainly does not understand them. While it is true that people in this state have strong emotions added to them and are capable of very terrifying outbursts of power, the emotionally charged or overly intense person is in a state that is not rational, that is, difficult to control, or out of control, but this is not to discuss what the cost of this is.






If we look at something like this again.

Is he protecting?

No, because the protected object is dead.

So what is he doing by acting in this way? The loved one lies dead on the ground, he speaks of his mother's revenge and rushes in anger to his enemy.

Yes, he is taking revenge, not protecting.


One could also say that it was out of fear of loss, but when we fear losing someone, the first thing we feel is fear and not anger. It seems angry because there is a great fear of this happening and a great effort to keep it from happening instead. But in the game Dante's line is "mother's revenge", so this possibility is completely cut off.





And the phrase [When love for someone explodes in a moment and is then transformed into anger, the mighty human spirit can exert unparalleled power].

It was in his revenge, it was in his anger. It is the power of love, but the anger that erupts from the loss of what is loved, the desire for revenge.

It is true that the outburst of power is unparalleled through emotion, and it is also true that this emotion is human. At least he must have longed to protect his mother. This statement is consistent with the fact that his actions in DMC1 demonstrate not [protection] but [revenge], and that this outburst of emotion is the source of his power. Indeed as in the parsing of rebellion in DMC5.

It is the power of revenge, not the power of protection.





Of course Dante kills Mundus purely out of personal hatred, and Mundus' invasion of the human world is just an add-on to this issue, or to add more legitimacy. Would Dante have been prepared to let Mondus go if he hadn't invaded the human world?

Obviously not, after all, avenging his mother is Dante's purpose in life. In DMC5 Dante sees it as his mission to kill demons who are enemies of man.

But when someone is hurt by a demon and you go to kill that demon, you are not necessarily protecting that person and saving that person, because that person may have been killed or may need to be taken to hospital first rather than killing the person who hurt them, but one thing is clear, if you choose to go after/hunt the demon who hurt the person, then you have definitely helped that person's victim to take revenge on the demon.

In another sense, Dante was literally made for revenge.



But it's like a fallacy that it's clearly because he doesn't want to lose, but this outburst of emotion he has is because of the loss. Maybe he wants to protect his mother and not lose his family, but his purpose in life is to avenge them.

But in DMC5 Dante at least starts to act in a real sense to protect, at least he does choose to self-sacrifice at the beginning of the game to allow Nero to leave to buy time. Over the course of the long series, he does start to get closer to what he wants.



To protect your family, you need your family to be alive.

But perhaps that is where the problem lies. Nero is Vergil's child, and if Dante does not recognize Vergil as his brother, then naturally Nero cannot be his nephew either; after all, if he does not recognize his brother, then how can a brother's child be his nephew?

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