Oh my god中文


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OMG是一个网络用语,英文的Oh My God的缩写。在中文中类似词意的词语还有“我的天啊”、“天了噜”等。Oh my god原本为英语国家用于表达惊叹、惊讶、感慨意思的口头禅,通过影视作品传播后被我国网络普遍使用。为了表达方便将其缩写成OMG。

中文名 天啊/上帝啊 外文名 oh my god 别    名 omg 提出者 中的汪月琪就喜欢使用此词 应用学科 网络 适用领域 OMG常被在校大学生所使用

OMG是网络术语,即英语Oh My God的缩写,可用作感叹词。中文可翻译为“天哪”或“上帝啊”。是一个网络常用语。 [1] 


<<上海滩>>中的汪月琪就喜欢使用此词, 这个词使她这个角色增色不少。


  • 1    oh my god释义   .oh my god是什么意思_oh my god的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在线词典[引用日期2015-04-11]


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同义词 阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文 乌克兰语



天啊 天哪 我的天 天呐 哦我的天 老天 我的天啊


哦 天




噢 天



And, oh my God, they do the best chicken ever.


The captain wants a full report by - oh my God.

船长要详细的报告 天啊

Then I thought to myself, white substance, made of cotton - oh my God, that guy is just using a penny value of raw material - inside they are selling for pounds, dollars.


It is an angry mob, and oh my God, they're coming!

真的是愤怒的暴徒 天哪 他们来了

And the corn bread, oh my God!

And I started swimming, and, oh my God, it was glassy.

然后我开始游了。 天哪,水可真清。

Thank you. Like, that one bit you had about dating a mime, I was like, oh my God.

谢谢 比如你说的那段跟小丑约会我真是 天啊

This is a gift from God! No no - oh my God.

这是上帝的礼物 不不 天哪

I see you, oh my God you are here, how are you, I can help you,


The closer you get to it and see how the sausage is made, the more you go, oh my God!


Are you ready to drink every time someone shuts the refrigerator door and, oh my God, there's the harmless character right behind it?

准备好在关冰箱门时 天哪 有人躲在门后时痛饮了吗?

Or as Professor Schaffner observed: "The first kid, the pacifier falls on the floor, oh my God, we have to sterilize it. By the third kid, it's like 'whatever.'"


If you raise the level of your eyes a little more you go, "I see you, oh my God you are here, how are you, I can help you, Ican design for you a new toothbrush, new toilet brush," somethinglike that.

如果你把视线水平提高些再走, 我看到你,天哪你在这里,你好吗,我能帮你,我可以为你设计一把新牙刷,新马桶刷,像这样。

Now that argument, I made that argument 30 - oh my God, I don't want to think about it - more than 30 years ago, but there's a deeper argument implicit in what I've told you, and I want to tell you that argument briefly, and that is, consciousness creates an observer-independent reality.

说到那个论据,30年前我就提出了 - 天啊,我不愿去想都过去这么多年了 - 是30多年前才对但是我刚才告诉你们的论据里还有更深的含义我就简单给你们说说那个论据:意识创造了"观察者独立"的现实

"The closer you get to it and see how the sausage is made, the more you go, oh my God! These guys don't even actually know the budget. It makes you think: can complex, technocratically deep things - like running a healthcare system properly in the US in terms of impact and cost - can that get done? It hangs in the balance."


It is realism that keeps Kaplan's book so refreshingly free of the breathless "oh my God it's worse than you think" prose style that mars so much Western writing on the rise of China. In its place, however, realism encourages a Thucydidean detachment that some readers will find even more alarming. But that, Kaplan says, is the way it has to be, because the struggle over the South China Sea is going to be detached and unemotional. America's struggle with the Soviet Union raised great moral issues and fired the passions of all involved; but it has proved hard to invest the South China Sea with the same philosophical freight as the Berlin Wall, despite the best efforts of some. (While writing a column for a newspaper - not this one - a few months ago, I was firmly informed that the editor wanted "less history, more scary stuff about China.") "The fact is," Kaplan observes, "East Asia is all about trade and business."


Oh my God, oh my God. Okay okay.

and now they wanna meet your whole - oh my God.

不 我来这儿只是 为了跟你聊聊 让你振作起来

Yeah, but I just don't get - oh my God.


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