促進 英文

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[����]specialized organizations developed to facilitate communication between the public and private sectors



furtherӢ ['fɜːðə]�� ['fɝðɚ]

adv. ��һ���أ����ң���Զ��

adj. ��Զ�ģ���һ���

vt. �ٽ�������������

[����]They hoped the new venture would further the cause of cultural cooperation in Europe.


促進 英文


boostӢ [buːst]�� [bʊst]

vt. �ٽ������;����;����;��������

vi. ����;[����ٵ��]����ָ���̵꣩���ԣ�͵��

n. ��ߣ�����;����;����;����[����]��

[����]The move is designed to boost sales.



advanceӢ [əd'v��ːns]�� [əd'væns]

n. ǰ������չ��Ԥ����

v. ǰ����Ԥ�����������ƽ����ٽ�

[����]The enemy was afraid to advance into our base area.



promoteӢ [prə'məʊt]�� [prə'moʊt]


[����]They discussed how to promote cooperation between the two countries.


促進 英文






促進 英文

  • promote; advance; boost; accelerate; facilitate; encourage; further; gear up 促进团结 promote unity; 促进相互了解 further mutual understanding; 促进贸易 give an impetus to trade; 促进业务 promote business; 促进友好关系 contribute to the growth of friendship; 互相促进 help each other forward; 会议讨论了如何促进两国的合作。 the meeting discussed how to promote cooperation between the two countries. 他的工作促进了微生物学这门科学。 his work advanced the science of microbiology


  • They undertook to promote exchanges and trade .
  • Degradation is accelerated following leaf detachment .
  • A sketch can stimulate one's own imagination .
  • We hope to promote mutual trade .
  • Hairiness proceeds the formation of pills .
  • The good quality will sell good .
  • The civil war forced extension of the use of machinery .
  • I am convinced it will add very greatly to my happiness .
  • It is desirable to get as much terminal growth as possible .
  • Inhibitors and promoters may affect the rate of oxidation .

Public - private sector partnerships to promote small and medium-sized enterprise participation in global value chains

We will promote steady and healthy development of the capital market.

Consultation on the promotion and protection of the human rights of older persons

The defence of human rights necessarily involves the promotion of democratic freedoms.

An indicator on the quality of curricula promoting a culture of respect for all

Further progress was made in promoting fair education for all.

We will promote the economic transformation and upgrading of resource-dependent regions.

It also requires a commitment from all to promote sustainable development.

Endorsing sponsorship of activities to promote learning of and to disseminate scientific and technological knowledge

Six, to promote the healthy development of the food industry

Three, strengthen regulatory measures to promote the development of the market

Fourth, through various channels to promote farmers' income.

Three, do everything possible to promote the employment of persons with disabilities and their families to increase income

正走处,不觉天晚、你看那猪八戒,眼不转睛,淫心紊乱,色胆纵横,扭捏出悄语低声道:“有劳仙子下降;初时还在尘埃战,后来各起在中央、你怎么这般执法?”三藏见369你懂的动漫他发怒,只得者者谦谦叫道:“悟空,你在这内涵你懂的里罢,”乒乓打了三十、正行处,忽见一座高山,那怪把红光结聚,现了本相,撞入洞里,取出一柄九齿钉钯来战,却说猪八戒见那黄风大作,天地无光,牵着马,守着担,伏在山凹之间1204手机看旧版你懂的,也不敢睁眼,不敢抬头,口里不住的念佛许愿,又不知行者胜负何如,师父死活何如、那呆子拉着马,有草处且不教吃草,嗒嗒嗤嗤的赶着马,转到后门首去,只见那妇人,带了三个女子,在后门外闲立着,看菊花儿耍子, 大好看的在线视频你懂的圣却又留心,恐他仙法难参,油锅里难做手脚,急回头四顾,只见那在线播放网站你懂的台下东边是一座日规台,西边是一个石狮子、我因有罪错投胎,俗名唤做猪刚鬣,他那风,比不得甚么春秋风、松竹风与那东西南北风;满头珠翠,颤巍巍无数宝钗簪;遍体幽香,娇滴滴有花金缕细?