道路交通安全規則 英文




道路交通安全規則 英文

  • the law on road traffic safety

  • "道路" 英文翻譯:   road; way; path
  • "交通安全" 英文翻譯:   traffic safety
  • "法" 英文翻譯:   law
  • "道路交通安全運動" 英文翻譯:   road safety campaign
  • "道路交通安全督導委員會" 英文翻譯:   traffic safety committee
  • "道路交通安全工作隊" 英文翻譯:   working party on road traffic safety
  • "道路交通安全展覽會" 英文翻譯:   road safety exhibition
  • "交通安全法規" 英文翻譯:   traffic safety code
  • "海上交通安全法" 英文翻譯:   maritime traffic safety law
  • "海上交通安全法韓" 英文翻譯:   law of tnaffic safetyaysga
  • "道路交通秩序與交通安全改進方案" 英文翻譯:   improving highway traffic order and safety projects
  • "馬路交通安全標柱" 英文翻譯:   bollard
  • "鐵路交通安全設施" 英文翻譯:   railway traffic safety appliances
  • "民用機場航空器活動區道路交通安全管理規則" 英文翻譯:   ccar-331sb-r1
  • "公路交通安全專家小組" 英文翻譯:   group of experts on road traffic safety
  • "國家高速公路交通安全署" 英文翻譯:   nhtsa
  • "國家公路交通安全管理局" 英文翻譯:   nhtsa = national highway traffic safety administration
  • "國家公路交通安全局" 英文翻譯:   national highway traffic safety administration
  • "交通安全" 英文翻譯:   road-traffic safety; traffic safety
  • "交通安全島" 英文翻譯:   refuge (traffic); traffic island refuge
  • "道路交通" 英文翻譯:   road traffic; road transpon; road transport; traffic sign
  • "美國國家公路交通安全管理局" 英文翻譯:   national highway traffic safety administration
  • "城市交通安全管理指南-城區道路安全策略" 英文翻譯:   urban safety management guidelines- road safety strategies for urban communities
  • "道路安全法案" 英文翻譯:   road safety bill
  • "交通安全措施" 英文翻譯:   protection of traffic


  • The law on road traffic safety
  • According to article 19 of the law of the p . r . c . on road transportation safety , a foreigner shall hold a valid chinese driver ' s license if he / she wishes to drive an automobile or motorcycle in chinese territory
  • The responsibility principles of the traffic accidents on the road is the main content of the traffic law . adopting different responsibility principles will influence the real efficiency of the traffic law essentially
  • This article focuses on the conception , background and legal principle of no fault liability ; thus we can draw a conclusion that the doctrine of liability fixation established in " road traffic safety act " is fair , scientific and reasonable
  • But the development of the motor vehicle compulsive insurance system of our country is in a beginning stage . many law problems are expected to be clarified or solved . so i take a strong sense of calling to participate in studying those problems
  • The text is analyzing and discussing several important and controversial legal issues on the motor vehicle third party liability compulsive insurance , putting forward some standpoints and speculations . in addition to the preface and postscript , the full text is totally divided into five parts . chapter one firstly introduces several controversies in the judicatory fulfillment on the motor vehicle third party liability compulsive insurance which caused by the judgment of the national first case , which under the background of the implement of “ road traffic safety method ” , but at that time “ the motor vehicle compulsive insurance regulation ” did n ' t yet pedestal
    道路交通安全法》雖然規定了機動車的無過失責任原則,以圖更好保護弱者受害人利益,但實際上由于機動車強制保險未真正落實,保險公司仍使用商業保險條款,否認機動車責任險具有“強制性” ,導致在面對交通事故進行賠付時出現功能錯位,從而增加了機動車一方的賠償責任,也使受害方得不到應有的救濟,沒有體現無過錯責任原則的社會承擔性。
  • The new " law on road traffic safety , " may 1 , 2004 introduced more than a year ago there were three major problems first , " the principle of accountability " talk about the unfair , two of the compulsory third - party motor vehicle insurance without implementation details the third is the " road traffic accident social relief fund " not implemented , reflecting the new " law on road traffic safety , " developed in a big hurry , the logic is tight , and the relevant laws and regulations is not complete , leading to the traffic accidents between the legitimate interests have not been effectively protected
    新《道路交通安全法》 2004年5月1日起實施一年多來存在三大問題,一是“歸責原則”顯失公平,二是機動車第三者責任強制保險未有實施細則,三是“道路交通事故社會救助基金”沒有落實,反映出新《道路交通安全法》制定的倉促、思維邏輯的不嚴密、相關法律法規的不健全,從而導致交通事故中各關系方的合法利益未能得到切實保護。
  • Advertising pokerserving for cigarette wine , food , communication , bank , insurance , agriculture , factory , appliance , estate and government , serving pokerserving yidong , liantong , tsingdao beer , haier , hisesen , koja , wanlida vcd , meidi , xinfei , lifan , dayang , qingqi , qianjing motor , hongxibao cegaret , baxi , hongqiqu , baixiang , shuanhui , kongfu jia , nanjie village , shaoang wine , jinliufu , xiyangpai , luxi poly fertilizer , pesticide , oil , minerals , traffic etc .
  • Because of the complexity of modern society , modern society without various national laws as one would avoid the most important means of social integration . despite national compulsory final implementation as a legal protection , but has failed in us history " prohibits alcohol the command " similar legislation is not rare . these laws and regulations of the underlying causes of failure in its lack of legitimacy , thereby affecting their effectiveness and the community members will abide by the law
    本文通過運用法律社會學的視角,結合新《道路交通安全法》第76條第2款、 《人身損害賠償司法解釋》第28 、 29條以及《合同法》中關于交易習慣、誠實信用原則的確立等實際立法例對法律實質合法性條件做了進一步分析,指出,法律的合法性在于社會成員對法律的認受性。



"道路養護"英文,   "道路侵蝕"英文,   "鄉間道路"英文,   "道路空間"英文,   "道路指南"英文,   "風景區道路"英文,   "集散道路"英文,   "道路環線"英文,   "道路反光鏡"英文,   "道路交匯處;道路交"英文,   "道路交匯處;道路交叉點"英文,   "道路交界處"英文,   "道路交通"英文,   "道路交通安全督導委員會"英文,   "道路交通安全工作隊"英文,   "道路交通安全運動"英文,   "道路交通安全展覽會"英文,   "道路交通標線"英文,   
